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ISRACAS'2000 Program and Call for Participation

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  • ISRACAS'2000 Program and Call for Participation

    Dear colleagues,

    We are pleased to announce the program of ISRACAS'2000, the Third Israeli
    Symposium on Computer-Aided Surgery, Medical Robotics, and Medical Imaging,
    which be held at the Technion on May 18, 2000.

    The program includes five distinguished speakers, 14 refereed paper
    presentations, and a "Perspectives from Industry" session in which
    companies will describe technical aspects of their state of the art

    Below is enclosed the call for participation with all the details of the
    program and registration, which can also be found on the Symposium web site:

    Please note that early registration ends on May 1st. We encourage you to
    register early, as the number of participants is limited.

    You are most welcome to forward and distribute the call to all interested

    Looking forward to seeing you at the Symposium,

    Leo Joskowicz
    Moshe Shoham
    Symposium co-organizers

    ************************************************** *********************
    * *
    * Web site: *
    * *
    * The James H. Belfer Memorial Symposium Series *
    * *
    * *
    * *
    * on *
    * *
    * *
    * ISRACAS'2000 *
    * *
    * Thursday, May 18, 2000 *
    * Technion-Israel Institute of Technology *
    * Haifa, ISRAEL *
    * *
    * Sponsored by *
    * Technion - Israel Institute of Technology *
    * The Hebrew University *
    * *
    * and *
    * *
    * GE Medical Systems Israel *
    * Centers of Excellence for Magnetic Resonance, *
    * Nuclear Medicine, Ultrasound and Intraoperative Imaging *
    * *
    * *
    * *
    * Endorsed by *
    * *
    * International Society of Computer Aided Surgery *
    * Israeli Society for Medical and Biological Engineering *
    * *
    ************************************************** *********************

    Symposium Organizers

    L. Joskowicz PhD The Hebrew University, Jerusalem
    M. Shoham DSc Technion -- Israel Institute of Technology


    The goal of the Symposium is to convene in Israel clinicians, scientists,
    and engineers actively interested in medical imaging, computer science, and
    robotics, and their application to the planning, monitoring, and execution
    of medical surgeries. The symposium is the sequel of the first and second
    ISRACAS symposia, held on May 4th, 1998 at Technion, and May 6, 1999 at the
    Hebrew University. Each was attended by over 150 participants (evenly
    distributed between clinicians, industry, and engineering academia).

    Symposium format

    The one-day events included five invited speakers, 14 oral presentations of
    refereed papers, and an industrial perspectives session..

    Symposium Topics

    Relevant research in Computer Science, Mechanical Engineering,
    Biomechanics, and Electrical Engineering including but not limited to:

    - multi-modal image reconstruction and segmentation
    - architectures, control, and applications of medical robots
    - virtual and augmented reality surgery, telesurgery
    - image and sensor data registration
    - computer-aided diagnosis and preoperative planning
    - intraoperative surgical monitoring, support, and planning
    - surgical simulators, anatomical modeling, atlases
    - safety issues in computer-assisted surgery

    All medical specialties include but are not limited to:

    - radiology
    - orthopaedics and traumatology
    - laparoscopy, endoscopy, arthroscopy
    - neurosurgery
    - cardio-vascular surgery
    - minimally invasive surgery
    - urology
    - craniofacial surgery and dentistry

    Invited speakers

    G. H. Barnett, MD Cleveland Clinic Foundation,
    Cleveland, USA.
    "Evolution and Future of Computer-Assisted Neurosurgery"

    J.C. Bowersox, MD PhD, Dept of Surgery, University of California,
    San Francisco, USA.
    "Telesurgery: from development to clinical applications"

    F. Jolesz, MD, Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School,
    Boston, USA.
    "The vision of the operating room of the future"

    P. Dario, Phd, Scuola Superiore S. Anna, Advanced Robotics Technology and System Lab.
    Pisa, Italy.
    "Medical Robotics: principles and applications"

    P. Merloz, MD, Dept of Orthopaedic Surgery, Univ J. Fourier,
    Grenoble, France.
    "Clinical aspects of computer-assisted spine surgery"

    Preliminary Program

    8:00-8:30 REGISTRATION

    8:30-8:45 Welcome and Introductory Remarks
    M. Shoham and L. Joskowicz, Technion and Hebrew U.

    8:45-9:20 Invited lecture 1
    "Evolution and Future of Computer-Assisted Neurosurgery"
    G. H. Barnett, MD
    Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland, USA

    9:20-9:45 Papers Session 1: Neurosurgery and neurology
    Chair: M. Blumenfeld, GE Medical Systems, ISRAEL

    1. "A digital brain atlas: evaluation by functional MRI"
    H. Dickhaus, K.A. Ganzer et al.
    University of Heidelberg, GERMANY

    2. "Clinical experience with routine application of interactive
    image-guided neurosurgery system in the treatment of
    40 neurosurgical patients"
    Y. Shoshan, E. Ashkenazi, et al.
    Hadassah University Hospital, ISRAEL

    9:45-10:20 Invited lecture 2
    "The vision of the operating room of the future"
    Ferenc Jolez, MD
    Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School, USA.

    10:20-10:45 COFFEE BREAK

    10:45-11:20 Invited lecture 3
    "Clinical systems: computer-assisted spine surgery"
    P. Merloz, MD
    Univ J. Fourier, Grenoble, FRANCE

    11:20-12:30 Paper session 2: Orthopaedics
    Chair: C. Milgrom, MD, Hadassah Hospital, ISRAEL
    M. Roffman Carmel Hospital, ISRAEL

    1. "Computer-assisted distal radius osteotomy"
    H. Croitoru, R. Ellis, et al.
    Surgical Navigation Systems and U. of Waterloo, CANADA

    2. "Planning of total knee replacement: analysis of the critical
    parameters influencing the implant"
    M. Marccaci, S. Martelli et at.,
    Istituti Ortopedici Rizzoli, Bologna, ITALY

    3. "Robot-assisted registration for total knee replacement"
    D. Glozman and M. Shoham
    Technion--Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, ISRAEL

    4. "Developments of the Hull computer assisted orthopaedic surgery
    system CAOSS projects"
    R. Phillips, WJ Viant, et al.
    University of Hull, UK

    5. "Simulator and distal targeting device for in-vitro experimentation
    and training in computer-aided closed medullary nailing"
    L. Joskowicz, C. Milgrom, et. al,
    The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, ISRAEL

    12:30-13:45 LUNCH BREAK

    13:45-14:45 Special session: perspectives from industry
    Chair: Ori Hadomi, DenX, ISRAEL.

    1. "The PoleStar N-10 System for intraoperative MRI neurosurgery"
    Z. Polunski, Odin Technologies, Yokneam, ISRAEL.

    2. "Interactive data language for medical imaging research"
    T. Kehoe and A. Rubin
    Reseach Systems and Dan-El Technologies, UK and ISRAEL

    3. TBD

    4. TBD

    5. TBD

    14:45-15:20 Invited lecture 4
    "Telesurgery: from development to clinical applications"
    J.C. Bowersox, MD PhD,
    University of California, San Francisco, USA

    15:20-16:05 Paper session 3: Emerging technologies and applications
    Chair: D. Maor, PhD, InSight Therapeutics Ltd

    1. "Placement of endosteal implants"
    W. Birkfeller, F. Watzinge, et al.
    University of Vienna, AUSTRIA

    2. "Image-guided diagnosis and treatment of retinal diseases:
    progress and challenges"
    J. Berger and B. Madjorov
    University of Pennsylvania, USA

    3. "Our Tele-3D C-FESS remote surgical procedures: the real time
    transfer of live video image in parallel with volume rendered
    models of surgical field
    I. Kaplan, L. Simicic, et al.
    University of Zagreb, CROATIA

    16:05-16:20 COFFEE BREAK

    16:20-17:00 Invited lecture 5
    "Medical Robotics: principles and applications"
    P. Dario, Phd,
    Scuola Superiore S. Anna, Pisa, ITALY

    17:00-18:00 Paper session 4: Medical image processing and Virtual reality
    Chair: D. Cohen-Or, PhD, Tel-Aviv University, ISRAEL

    1. "Path extraction in 3D medical images for virtual endoscopy"
    T. Dechamps and L. Cohen
    Universite Paris IX Dauphine, FRANCE

    2. "Estimate of bone fragility by image processing of digital bone
    I. Leichter, A. Simkin et al
    Jerusalem College of Technology and Hadassah Univ. Hospital, ISRAEL

    3. "The volume of mastoid pneumatization: a 3D reconstruction of
    ultra-high resolution CT -- preliminary results"
    M. Luntz, S. Malatskey, et. al.
    Bnai Zion Hospital, Haifa, ISRAEL

    4. "Clinical evaluation of a see through display for intraoperative
    presentation of planning data"
    J. Brief, S. Hassfeld, et al.,
    U. of Heidelberg, Heidelberg, GERMANY

    18:00 Closing Remarks
    L. Joskowicz and M. Shoham, The Hebrew U. and Technion. ISRAEL

    Local Program Committee

    D. Adam PhD Technion
    M. Berman PhD Biomedicom Ltd
    R. Beyar MD DSc Rambam MC and Technion
    M. Blumenfeld PhD GE Medical Systems Israel Ltd
    Y. Charit PhD Technion
    D. Cohen-Or PhD Tel-Aviv University
    M. Gomori MD Hadassah Hospital
    P. Itzchak MD Tel Hashomer
    D. Maor PhD InSight Therapeutics Ltd
    C. Milgrom MD Hadassah Hospital
    M. Roffman MD Carmel Hospital
    A. Simkin PhD Hadassah Hospital
    R. Yagel PhD InSight Therapeutics Ltd
    M. Zahler PhD Contec Medical Ltd

    Industrial Liason: Ori Hadomi, DenX

    International Advisory Board

    N. Ayache PhD INRIA, Sophia-Antipolis, France
    R. Bucholz MD St. Louis U., USA
    A. Colchester PhD U. of Kent, UK
    P. Dario PhD Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, Italy
    B. Davies PhD Imperial College, UK
    A. DiGioia MD Shadyside Hospital, Pittsburgh USA
    S. Delp PhD Northwestern U., USA
    E. Grimson PhD MIT, USA
    B. Jaramaz PhD Shadyside Hospital, Pittsburgh USA
    L. Kavoussi MD Johns Hopkins U., USA
    R. Kikinis MD Harvard Medical School, USA
    S. Lavallee PhD TIMC-IMAG, Grenoble, France
    H. Lemke PhD Technische Universitat, Berlin, Germany
    P. Merloz MD Centre Universitaire et Hospitalier Grenoble, France
    R. Mosges MD U. of Cologne, Germany
    L. Nolte PhD U. of Bern, Switzerland
    R. Phillips PhD U. of Hull, UK
    D. Stulberg MD Northwestern U., USA
    R.H. Taylor PhD Johns Hopkins U., USA
    J. Troccaz PhD TIMC-IMAG, Grenoble, France
    M. Vannier MD University of Iowa, USA

    Symposium Venue

    The Symposium will be held at the Mossad Neeman, Technion, Haifa, Israel.


    Following are three hotels in Haifa (transportation required).
    We urge you to book early, as May is a busy tourist season.

    Dan Panorama Haifa
    107 Hanassi Ave.
    Haifa, Israel
    Tel: (+972)(0)4-8303020
    Fax: (+972)(0)4-8377573
    Category: *****

    Nof Hotel
    101 Hanassi Ave.
    Haifa 34642, Israel
    Tel: (+972)(0)4-8354311
    Fax: (+972)(0)4-8388810
    Category: ****

    Dvir Hotel
    124 Yafe Nof St.
    Haifa, Israel
    Tel: (+972)(0)4-8389131
    Fax: (+972)(0)4-8381068
    Category: ***


    Participants are required to register and pay a nominal fee which
    entitles them to a copy of the Symposium proceedings and coffee break

    Early registration: IS 200 (US $50) IS 100 (US $25) for students
    (by May 1st, 2000)
    On-site registration: IS 250 (US $60) IS 125 (US $30) for students

    We encourage participants to register early, as the number of
    participants will be limited.

    Please e-mail or fax the following information to

    Prof. Moshe Shoham
    Department of Mechanical Engineering
    Technion-Israel Institute of Technology
    Technion City, Haifa 32000, Isreal
    Phone: +(972)-4-829-3264
    FAX: +(972)-4-832-4533

    Information can also be obtained from:

    Dr. Leo Joskowicz
    Institute of Computer Science
    The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
    Givat Ram, Jerusalem 91904, Israel
    Phone: +(972)-2-658-6299
    FAX: +(972)-2-658-5439

    Check our web site for frequent updates:

    ---------------------------- cut here --------------------------------


    Third Israeli Symposium
    Computer-Aided Surgery, Medical Robotics, and Medical Imaging








    Payment: enclose a check to the name of TECHNION

    Check one:

    Early registration: __ IS 200 (or US $50)
    __ IS 100 (or US $25) for students
    (by May 1st, 2000)
    On-site registration: -- IS 250 (or US $60)
    __ IS 125 (or US $30) for students

    ------------------- cut here --------------------------------
    Send, together with your payment to:

    Prof. Moshe Shoham
    Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
    Technion -- Israel Institute of Technology
    Kiriat Hatechnion,
    Haifa 32000, Israel
    Phone: +972-4-829-3264
    Fax: +972-4-832-4533

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