Dear colleague,
ISBS 2000 Proceeding
The papers accepted for ISBS 2000 proceeding have been finalized. The
paper title and author (draft) are enclosed in the ISBS
2000 homepage < > for your kind
reference. In order to prevent missing your paper, please check the attach
file or ISBS 2000 to confirm your paper will appear in our proceeding. If
you could not find your papers, which you have been accepted or have not
been rejected, in the excel file or homepage, please contact us at once.
Moreover, if you found that your paper have been accepted, but you will
not take part ISBS2000, please make sure you have submitted your paper
submition form with adapqute amount of paper submission fee.
The manuscripts of ISBS 2000 will transfer to press on coming Wed,
therefore if there are any problems about your paper, please contact us
before Wed. Thank you for you helping!
Registraiton & Accommodation
If you will participate ISBS 2000, please make sure your regirstration and
accomondation form have been received. Confirmation of registration and
accomondation have been send to the delegates yesterday. If you have not
received a confirmation, please send a email to us, we will check it for you.
Presentation Mode
We apologized that we could not confirm the presentation mode and sessions
for each presenter at the beginning of April. We believed that the
presentation mode for the presentor would be availiable next week.
Normally, the presentation mode will be based on the author's perference.
We are looking forward to seeing you in HONG KONG.
Best Wishes
Biomechanics Laboratory
Department of Sports Science and Physical Education
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Hong Kong
Tel : (852) 2609 6079
Fax : (852) 2603 5781
To unsubscribe send SIGNOFF BIOMCH-L to
For information and archives:
ISBS 2000 Proceeding
The papers accepted for ISBS 2000 proceeding have been finalized. The
paper title and author (draft) are enclosed in the ISBS
2000 homepage < > for your kind
reference. In order to prevent missing your paper, please check the attach
file or ISBS 2000 to confirm your paper will appear in our proceeding. If
you could not find your papers, which you have been accepted or have not
been rejected, in the excel file or homepage, please contact us at once.
Moreover, if you found that your paper have been accepted, but you will
not take part ISBS2000, please make sure you have submitted your paper
submition form with adapqute amount of paper submission fee.
The manuscripts of ISBS 2000 will transfer to press on coming Wed,
therefore if there are any problems about your paper, please contact us
before Wed. Thank you for you helping!
Registraiton & Accommodation
If you will participate ISBS 2000, please make sure your regirstration and
accomondation form have been received. Confirmation of registration and
accomondation have been send to the delegates yesterday. If you have not
received a confirmation, please send a email to us, we will check it for you.
Presentation Mode
We apologized that we could not confirm the presentation mode and sessions
for each presenter at the beginning of April. We believed that the
presentation mode for the presentor would be availiable next week.
Normally, the presentation mode will be based on the author's perference.
We are looking forward to seeing you in HONG KONG.
Best Wishes
Biomechanics Laboratory
Department of Sports Science and Physical Education
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Hong Kong
Tel : (852) 2609 6079
Fax : (852) 2603 5781
To unsubscribe send SIGNOFF BIOMCH-L to
For information and archives: