Two Post-Doctoral Associate Positions Available Immediately at Arizona State

We are seeking two qualified post-doctoral associates to participate in an
NSF sponsored five year Integrated Graduate Education and Research Training
(IGERT) program on Musculoskeletal and Neural Adaptations in Form and
Function. The goal of this IGERT program is to introduce Ph.D. students with
diverse biological and engineering backgrounds to the challenges of
deciphering complex phenomena in neuroscience, biomechanics, rehabilitation,
and musculoskeletal morphology, and to foster interdisciplinary education
and training in research efforts toward meeting these challenges. Faculty
members from Anthropology, Biology,
Bioengineering, Computer Science, Exercise Science and Mathematical Biology
participate in this new and exciting IGERT program.

The responsibilities of the post-doctoral associates include playing a major
role in (1) developing and equipping three core teaching and research
laboratories ($500,000 available for Neurophysiology/Neuroengineering,
Anatomy/Biomechanics, and Modeling/Simulation/Visualization), (2) assisting
with instruction in laboratory research methods and with student projects,
and (3) contributing to the interdisciplinary IGERT program through their
own specific areas of interest. Candidates will have opportunities to
collaborate with scientists from Barrow Neurological Institute and the
Institute of Human Origins for joint research. Productivity in scientific
journal publication and preparation and submission of grant applications is

Qualification: Ph.D. in related field by the time of joining this program.
Experience in the general area of neuromuscular control of movement or in
the general area of biomechanics of musculoskeletal systems with a
background in anatomy. (One position is available each experience area.)

Desired: Demonstrated working knowledge in neural recording, data analysis
and signal processing, animal and human behavior study, computer
programming, biomechanical analysis of arm movement or locomotion, or
modeling and simulation. Both experimental and computational skills are
especially desired.

Compensation: The initial appointment will be for two years with option to
extend. The salary level is between $35,000-$45,000/yr depending on
qualifications and experience.

Application Procedure: The initial deadline is September 1, 2000 or every
two weeks thereafter until both positions are filled. Please submit your
application (Detailed vitae, references and a statement of research
interests and career plan) to:
Professor Jiping He,
Director, ASU IGERT Program on Musculoskeletal and Neural Adaptations in
Form and Function
PO Box 879709
Arizona State University
Tempe, AZ 85287-9709
Ph: (480) 965-0092
FAX: (480) 965-0037

Jiping He, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
NeuroMechanical Control Laboratory
ECG 202, MS-6006
Bioengineering Program
Arizona State University
Tempe, AZ 85287-6006
Ph: 480-965-0092 (office)
602-402-3747 (PCS)

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