We recently supplied an 8 Channel system to Boston University for this
task. Essentially, we provide Raw EMG data via a PC Bus, which is them
converted to Digital using Computer Boards A/D & stored for later analysis.
Tahir H. Chaudhry
NeuroDyne Medical, Corp.
Cambridge, MA USA
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providers only.
On Wednesday, July 26, 2000 11:07 AM, Marcus Besser
[SMTP:Marcus.Besser@MAIL.TJU.EDU] wrote:
> Biomch-l folks:
> A colleague has asked me a question, and I turn it over to you all, as
> collectors and storers of data:
> A while ago, if one wanted to collect 60 minutes of raw EMG, one used a
> for instance, the Vetter system. I have never used such a system, and
> know how they work. A few questions:
> 1) is the data stored in analog form, or is it digitized first, then
> digitally?
> 2) are systems like this still in use for this application?
> 3) if this is now obsolete, how is this task done now (storing several
> channels of high frequency data (say 2000 Hz) for a long data collection
> period (say 60 minutes)?
> I will summarize responses, and I thank you in advance.
> Marc Besser
> Marcus P. Besser, PhD []
> Assistant Director, Human Performance Laboratory _ /_/
> Associate Professor, Department of Physical Therapy / /
> Thomas Jefferson University / \
> Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA 19107-5233 /_ \_
> Phone:215-503-1645 Fax:215-503-3499 email: marcus.besser@mail.tju.edu
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