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RESOURCES: Fear of Success: Some Citations to Publications

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  • RESOURCES: Fear of Success: Some Citations to Publications

    Success and failure are important forces in the lives of children
    trying to become adults and of adults in their careers, lives and
    goals. In sports as well as in other areas of life's activities these
    forces are central to our roles and the way we participate. Although
    Franklin Roosevelt assured us that we have nothing to fear but fear
    itself, there has been a fear of success as well as a fear of failure that
    has tended to interfere with or improve performance, depending upon the
    individual. Below is a bibliography of sources that deal with the fear of
    success and its impacts both inside and outside of the sports world. I
    hope that these resources will be of some help to the members of this

    David Dillard
    Temple University
    (215) 204 - 4584

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    AU PERSONAL AUTHOR: Staley,-Wanda; Fasko,-Daniel, jr.; Grubb,-Deborah
    TI TITLE: Fear of Success, Self-Concept, and Career Choice of Adolescents.
    NT DESCRIPTIVE NOTE: Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the
    Southeastern Psychological Association (Atlanta, GA, April 3-6, 1997).

    AU PERSONAL AUTHOR: Staley,-Wanda; and-others
    TI TITLE: The Relationship between Fear of Success, Self-Concept, and Career Decision Making.
    NT DESCRIPTIVE NOTE: Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the
    Mid-South Educational Research Association (Tuscaloosa, AL, November,

    AU PERSONAL AUTHOR: Froelich,-Rick-L.
    TI TITLE: University Students and Fear of Success.
    NT DESCRIPTIVE NOTE: Master's Thesis, Fort Hays State University.

    AU PERSONAL AUTHOR: Petty,-Steve
    TI TITLE: Fear of Success.
    NT DESCRIPTIVE NOTE: Master's Thesis, Fort Hays State University. For a
    thesis having the same title, submitted to the same school, but dealing
    with college level subjects, see ED 354 430.

    AU PERSONAL AUTHOR: Piedmont,-Ralph-L.
    TI TITLE: Another Look at Fear of Success, Fear of Failure, and Test
    Anxiety: A Motivational Analysis Using the Five-Factor Model.
    SO SOURCE (JOURNAL CITATION): Sex-Roles; v32 n3-4 p139-58 Feb 1995

    AU PERSONAL AUTHOR: Barnett,-Deanna-L.
    TI TITLE: Fear of Success.
    NT DESCRIPTIVE NOTE: M.S. Thesis, Fort Hays State University.

    AU PERSONAL AUTHOR: Frusher,-Susan; Rountree,-Jeanie
    TI TITLE: Fear of Success in Women--Is There Still Such a Phenomenon?

    TI TITLE: Changes in women's fear of success and fear of appearing incompetent in business.
    AU AUTHOR: Tomkiewicz,-Joe; Bass,-Kenneth
    SO SOURCE: Psychological-Reports. 1999 Dec; Vol 85(3, Pt 1): 1003-1010

    TI TITLE: Fear of success across life span.
    AU AUTHOR: Basha,-S.-Azmal; Ushasree,-S.
    SO SOURCE: Journal-of-Personality-and-Clinical-Studies. 1998 Mar-Sep; Vol 14(1-2): 63-67

    TI TITLE: Relation between the existence of intimate others and fear of success.
    AU AUTHOR: Okamoto,-Naoko
    SO SOURCE: Japanese-Journal-of-Educational-Psychology. 1999 Jun; Vol 47(2): 199-208

    TI TITLE: Gender differences in fear of success imagery and other
    achievement-related background variables among medical students.
    AU AUTHOR: Krishnan,-Ahalya; Sweeney,-Christopher-J.
    SO SOURCE: Sex-Roles. 1998 Aug; Vol 39(3-4): 299-310

    TI TITLE: Achievement orientation and fear of success in Asian American college students.
    AU AUTHOR: Lew,-Angela-S.; Allen,-Rhianon; Papouchis,-Nicholas; Ritzler,-Barry
    SO SOURCE: Journal-of-Clinical-Psychology. 1998 Jan; Vol 54(1): 97-108

    TI TITLE: Fear as motivator, fear as inhibitor: Using the extended
    parallel process model to explain fear appeal successes and failures.
    AU AUTHOR: Witte,-Kim BK BOOK SOURCE: Andersen, Peter A. (Ed); Guerrero,
    Laura K. (Ed); et-al. (1998). Handbook of communication and emotion:
    Research, theory, applications, and contexts. (pp. 423-450). San Diego,
    CA, USA: Academic Press, Inc. xxxii, 590 pp.

    TI TITLE: The fear of success and its relationship to racial identity
    attitudes and achievement behavior among Black male college students.
    AU AUTHOR: Campbell,-David-Barrington
    SO SOURCE: Dissertation-Abstracts-International:-Section-B:-The-Sciences-and-Engineering.
    1997 Mar; Vol 57(9-B): 5908

    TI TITLE: Fear of success: A comparison of projective and objective measures.
    AU AUTHOR: Okamura,-Linda-Suzanne
    SO SOURCE: Dissertation-Abstracts-International:-Section-B:-The-Sciences-and-Engineering.
    1997 Mar; Vol 57(9-B): 5981

    TI TITLE: An investigation of burnout in New Jersey staff nurses: The
    effects of fear of success in nursing and narcissism.
    AU AUTHOR: Burke,-Kathleen-Maura

    SO SOURCE: Dissertation-Abstracts-International:-Section-B:-The-Sciences-and-Engineering.
    1997 Feb; Vol 57(8-B): 4974

    TI TITLE: Fear of success, fear of failure, and the imposter phenomenon
    among male and female marketing managers.
    AU AUTHOR: Fried-Buchalter,-Sharon
    SO SOURCE: Sex-Roles. 1997 Dec; Vol 37(11-12): 847-859

    TI TITLE: The relationship of self-conscious affect to differences in
    achievement motivation and fear of success in men and women.
    AU AUTHOR: Fletcher,-Carey-Roberts
    SO SOURCE: Dissertation-Abstracts-International:-Section-B:-The-Sciences-and-Engineering.
    1996 May; Vol 56(11-B): 6387

    TI TITLE: Fear of success among business students.
    AU AUTHOR: Rothman,-Miriam
    SO SOURCE: Psychological-Reports. 1996 Jun; Vol 78(3, Pt 1): 863-869

    TI TITLE: Another look at fear of success, fear of failure, and test
    anxiety: A motivational analysis using the five-factor model.
    AU AUTHOR: Piedmont,-Ralph-L.
    SO SOURCE: Sex-Roles. 1995 Feb; Vol 32(3-4): 139-158

    TI TITLE: Relationship of sex role attitudes and self esteem to fear of success among college women.
    AU AUTHOR: Kumari,-Raj
    SO SOURCE: Psychological-Studies. 1995 Jul; Vol 40(2): 82-86

    TI TITLE: Fear of success in relation to sex role identity and self-esteem in women.
    AU AUTHOR: P.,-Suvarna; Thomas,-Immanuel
    SO SOURCE: Psychological-Studies. 1995 Nov; Vol 40(3): 149-153

    TI TITLE: A reconsideration of studies about fear of success.
    AU AUTHOR: Horino,-Midori
    SO SOURCE: Japanese-Psychological-Review. 1995; Vol 38(2): 301-319

    TI TITLE: Achievement motivation orientation and fear of success in Asian American college students.
    AU AUTHOR: Lew,-Angela-S.
    SO SOURCE: Dissertation-Abstracts-International:-Section-B:-The-Sciences-and-Engineering.
    1995 May; Vol 55(11-B): 5077

    TI TITLE: Fear of success, fear of failure, the imposter phenomenon, and
    job success and satisfaction among male and female marketing managers.
    AU AUTHOR: Buchalter,-Sharon-Fried
    SO SOURCE: Dissertation-Abstracts-International. 1993 Oct; Vol 54(4-B): 2188

    TI TITLE: Relationships between sex role orientation, interpersonal
    relations orientation, leadership style practices, and fear of success in
    university faculty.
    AU AUTHOR: Dunson,-Carrie-L.
    SO SOURCE: Dissertation-Abstracts-International. 1993 Aug; Vol 54(2-A): 686

    TI TITLE: Fear of success: Psychodynamic implications.
    AU AUTHOR: Miller,-Julie-R.
    SO SOURCE: Journal-of-the-American-Academy-of-Psychoanalysis. 1994 Spr; Vol 22(1): 129-136

    TI TITLE: The impact of attachment and fear of success in late adolescent females.
    AU AUTHOR: Pearlman,-Michael-J.
    SO SOURCE: Dissertation-Abstracts-International. 1993 Feb; Vol 53(8-A): 2987

    TI TITLE: Fear of success in anorexic young women.
    AU AUTHOR: Gilbert,-Stefanie-C.
    SO SOURCE: Journal-of-Adolescent-Health. 1993 Jul; Vol 14(5): 380-383

    TI TITLE: The role of fear of success and neuroticism in successful problem solving.
    AU AUTHOR: Ohri,-Renu; Malhotra,-Dalip
    SO SOURCE: Psychologia:-An-International-Journal-of-Psychology-in-the-Orient. 1993 Jun; Vol 36(2): 114-118

    TI TITLE (ENGLISH AND NON-ENGLISH): Competence, Influence,
    Problem-Solving Ability, and Fear of Success among Accountants
    AU AUTHOR(S): Smith,-Becky-Lynn
    1995, 55, 8, Feb, 2579-A.

    TI TITLE (ENGLISH AND NON-ENGLISH): Fear of Success and Gender-Role
    AU AUTHOR(S): Richardson,-Mary
    Social-and-Economic-Studies; 1993, 42, 2-3, June-Sept, 153-174.

    TI TITLE (ENGLISH AND NON-ENGLISH): Relationships between Sex Role
    Orientation, Interpersonal Relations Orientation, Leadership Style
    Practices, and Fear of Success in University Faculty
    AU AUTHOR(S): Dunson,-Carrie-L.
    1993, 54, 2, Aug, 686-A.

    TI TITLE (ENGLISH AND NON-ENGLISH): The Impact of Attachment and Fear of
    Success in Late Adolescent Females
    AU AUTHOR(S): Pearlman,-Michael-J.
    1993, 53, 8, Feb, 2987-A.

    TI TITLE (ENGLISH AND NON-ENGLISH): An Interactional Model of Achievement Motivation and Fear of Success
    AU AUTHOR(S): Piedmont,-Ralph-L.
    SO SOURCE (JOURNAL CITATION): Sex-Roles; 1988, 19, 7-8, Oct, 467-490.

    TI TITLE: Women and the achievement conflict in sport: a preliminary study
    AU AUTHOR: McElroy,-M.-A; Willis,-J.-D
    JN JOURNAL: Journal-of-sport-psychology-1(3), 1979, 241-247 Refs:23

    TI TITLE: The relationship between selected psychological traits and fear
    of success in senior elite level wrestlers
    AU AUTHOR: Hardy,-C.-J; Silva,-J.-M
    JN JOURNAL: Canadian-journal-of-applied-sport-sciences/Journal-canadien-des-sci.
    -appliquees-au-sport-(Windsor) 11(4), Dec/dec 1986, 205-210 Refs:18

    TI TITLE: Sex role classification and achievement avoidance in female athletes
    AU AUTHOR: Daniels,-C.-A
    SO SOURCE: Microform Publications, University of Oregon, Eugene, Ore,
    1981, 2 microfiches: negative; 11x15 cm

    TI TITLE: Psychologic factors in competitive failures in athletes
    AU AUTHOR: Rosenblum,-S
    JN JOURNAL: American-journal-of-sports-medicine-7(3), May/Jun 1979, 198-200

    TI TITLE: Physical education with respect ot self-concept and motivation - an empirical tudy
    AU AUTHOR: Erdmann,-R; Wessling-Luennemann,-G
    SO SOURCE: In, Telama, R. (ed.) et al.: Research in school physical
    education. The proceedings of the International Symposium on Research in
    School Physical Education, November 18-21, 1982, Jyvaskyla, Finland,
    Foundation for Promotion of Physical Culture and Health, 1983, p. 190-196
    CN CONFERENCE NAME: International Symposium on Research in School
    Physical Education (1982 : Jyvaskyla, Finland).

    TI TITLE: Measurement of fear of failure using the Self-Deprecation and Insecurity Scale
    AU AUTHOR: Richardson,-P.-A; Jackson,-A; Albury,-K.-W
    JN JOURNAL: Journal-of-sport-behavior-(Mobile, Ala.) 7(3), Sept 1984, 115-119 Refs:12

    TI TITLE: Game is fixed: programmed to be losers
    AU AUTHOR: Boslooper,-T; Hayes,-M
    SO SOURCE: In Sabo, D.F. and Runfola, R., Jock: sports and male identity,
    Englewood Cliffs, N.J., Prentice-Hall, 1980, p. 212-222

    TI TITLE: Fear of success in selected women athletes and non-athletes
    AU AUTHOR: Duda,-J.-L
    SO SOURCE: Univ. of Oregon, Eugene, Ore, 1980, 1 fiche. 10 x 15 cm

    TI TITLE: Fear of failure and fear of success: the relationship of
    achievement motives to the motor performance of males and females
    AU AUTHOR: Albury,-K.-W
    SO SOURCE: Microform Publications, University of Oregon, Eugene, Ore,
    1984, 1 microfiche : negative; 11 x 15 cm

    TI TITLE: Evaluation of fear of success in female and male athletes and nonathletes
    AU AUTHOR: Silva,-J.-M
    JN JOURNAL: Journal-of-sport-psychology-4(1), 1982, 92-96

    TI TITLE: Enticing research directions: fear of success, danger, and birth order
    AU AUTHOR: Casher,-B.-B
    SO SOURCE: In Proceedings - Conference - North American Society for the
    Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity, Austin, Tex., May 16-18, 1976;
    Champaign, Ill., Human Kinetics Publishers, 1977, p. 74-82
    CN CONFERENCE NAME: North American Society for the Psychology of Sport
    and Physical Activity, Annual Conference, Austin, Tex., 1976.

    TI TITLE: Comparison of motive to succeed, motive to avoid failure, and
    fear of success levels between male and female intercollegiate swimmers
    AU AUTHOR: Houseworth,-S; Thirer,-J
    SO SOURCE: In, Vander Velden, L. and Humphrey, J.H. (eds.), Psychology
    and sociology of sport: current selected research. Vol. 1, New York, AMS
    Press, c1986, p. 73-83

    TI TITLE: Causal attribution theory and the female athlete: what conclusions can we draw?
    AU AUTHOR: Blucker,-J.-A; Hershberger,-E
    JN JOURNAL: Journal-of-sport-psychology-(Champaign, Ill.) 5(4), 1983, 353-360

    TI TITLE: Evaluation of fear of success in male and female athletes and nonathletes. (Abstract)
    AU AUTHOR: Siba,-J.-M
    SO SOURCE: In, Roberts, G.C., Landers, D.M. (eds.), Psychology of motor
    behavior and sport - 1980, Champaign, Ill., Human Kinetics Publishers,
    1981, p. 129
    CN CONFERENCE NAME: North American Society for Psychology of Sport and
    Physical Activity. Annual Conference, Boulder, Col., 1980.

    TI TITLE: Unconscious fear of success
    AU AUTHOR: Ogilvie,-B.-C
    SO SOURCE: In Suinn, R.M. (ed.), Psychology in sports: methods and
    applications, Minneapolis, Minn., Burgess Pub. Co., 1980, p. 86-89

    TI TITLE: Fear of success in sport among female basketball players and female swimmers
    AU AUTHOR: Leblanc,-C.-M
    SO SOURCE: Nat. Library of Canada, Ottawa, 1977, 2 fiches. 10 x 15 cm

    TI TITLE: The fear of success, self-transcendence, and the high performance athletic personality
    AU AUTHOR: Gorman,-B.-F
    SO SOURCE: University Microfilms International, Ann Arbor, Mich, 1989, 2 microfiches (107 fr.)

    TI TITLE: The athlete's reaction to competition scale: an investigation,
    reorganization and validation of a measuring instrument
    AU AUTHOR: Haack,-L.-M
    SO SOURCE: University Microfilms International, Ann Arbor, Mich, 1990, 2 microfiches (155 fr.)

    TI TITLE: Wrecked by success
    AU AUTHOR: Osgood,-M
    JN JOURNAL: Wrestling-USA-(Bozeman, Mont.) 21(5), 15 Dec 1985, 5-6

    TI TITLE: Winning-losing: fearing of failure and fear of success
    AU AUTHOR: Gaurons,-E.-F
    JN JOURNAL: Wrestling-USA-(Bozeman, Mont.) 21(2), 1 Oct 1985, 16;29-31

    TI TITLE: Fear of success in sport among adolescent girls
    AU AUTHOR: Syrotuik,-J.-L
    SO SOURCE: National Library of Canada, Ottawa, 1975, 1 microfiche (117 fr.); 11 x 15 cm

    TI TITLE: Fear of success
    AU AUTHOR: Lynch,-J
    JN JOURNAL: Runner-(Boulder, Colo,) 6(5), Feb 1984, 20-21

    TI TITLE: Scared of success?
    AU AUTHOR: Griffith,-L.-L
    JN JOURNAL: Women's-sports-4(8), Aug 1982, 10

    TI TITLE: Impact of fear of success and sex role attitudes on women's competitive achievement
    AU AUTHOR: Peplau,-L.-A
    JN JOURNAL: Journal-of-personality-and-social-psychology-34(4), Oct 1976, 561-568

    TI TITLE: Fear of success on female swimmers competing against men
    AU AUTHOR: Weiss,-A
    JN JOURNAL: Swimming-technique-13(2), Summer 1976, 52-54

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