
My Name is Phil Huang and I am currently in my penultimate year studying
Biomedical Engineering at Queensland University of Technology here in

Our Degree consists of Biomechanics, micro-circuitry and general
electronics as well as Anatomy and Physiology.

I have ambitions to continue my study in graduate medicine and ultimately
specialise in Orthopaedic surgery.

Our degree requires us to complete Industrial Experience for a period of 60
days in order to graduate. And unfortunately, Australia is lacking in
exciting biomedical oppurtunities.

I am looking for vacation employment for the period of late November 2000
to Febuary 2001 in any field relating to my degree. I enjoy playing with
circuitry and have successfully built a simple ECG using op-amps in one of
my subjects.

My priorities are to gain valuable experience in an exciting new field. I
have previous experience at Calypte Biomedical at Berkeley working on
Chronic Diseases such as HIV and Gulf War Syndrome and I enjoy hands on and
laboratory experience.

So if you are interested in taking on a hard working and enthusiastic
Australian student then please reply to me.

Thanks for you Time. Hope to hear from you soon.


Phil Huang

3rd Year Medical Engineering Student
School of Mechanical, Manufacturing & Medical Engineering
Queensland University of Technology
GPO Box 2434

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