Hello All:
The response to my request for videos to use in a Kinesiology class was
fantastic and the responses are summarized below. Many of the links contain
a wealth of information.
Several responders wished to know about the video "Extreme Machines: Pedal
Power." It is available on VHS from The Learning Channel for $20. Call 800
475 6636 It is tape number 744151. Also, I located the file for the
Adidas TV commercial featuring Jami Goldman, double amputee athlete,
Many thanks to all of you.
May you all have alert and interested students,
Jim Martin
************************************************** ****
Rachel Skoss Department of Human Movement and Exercise Science University
of Western Australia. rskoss@cyllene.uwa.edu.au
I recently had to write a biomechanics of cycling lecture for a 2nd year
class. I found a great web site - The science of cycling within the
exploratorium site. I'm using 2 movies to try to grab their attention -
Trick cycling (as seen in 1899), and trick cycling (as seen in 1999), both
of which I got from the exploratorium site. The latter is the trials MTB
world-champ so would have some "cred"...
************************************************** *****
There are plenty of videos on the Clinical Gait Analysis site, in the Case
of the Week, Teach-in 2000 and FAQ sections:
Chris -- Dr. Chris Kirtley MD PhD Associate Professor HomeCare Technologies
for the 21st Century (Whitaker Foundation) NIDRR Rehabilitation Engineering
Research Center on TeleRehabilitation Dept. of Biomedical Engineering,
Pangborn 105B Catholic University of America 620 Michigan Ave NE
Washington, DC 20064 Tel. 202-319-6247, fax 202-319-4287 Email:
kirtley@cua.edu http://engineering.cua.edu/biomedical
************************************************** *******
From: Jeremy Smith Subject: Re: Videos for
Kinesiology class.
I recently used a video called "Can science build a champion athlete." It
was produced by Films for the Humanities & Sciences (FFH). It doesn't
specifically address any biomechanics problems, but it does peak interest
in biomechanics. The video would be a great introduction for students who
have not seen anything in biomechanics because is does show how athletes
and sport science go together. If you need any more information please
contact me at the reply-to-address above.
************************************************** ********
David George Subject: Re: Videos for Kinesiology class.
I applaud you in your desire to maintain your students. What do you think
of you and your students creating your own videos? With some of newer
technology one can project from a VCR onto one of those white boards (the
kind which uses a dry erase marker) and then you and your students could
pause the video tape, indicate points for greater trochanter, lateral
condyle or epi-condyle of femur and tibia, lateral mallelous. One can
then create the segments at that frame then proceed to do the same for
later or intermittent frames. Using this approach, you and your students
can investigate movements of interest and perhaps discover some
interesting phenomena along the way. Of course this analysis can be
altered by including points for the acromium and floating rib. As you
know, by using pre- and post- of same participant the variability of point
location is nullified.
************************************************** *********
"D.I. Miller" Subject: Re: Videos for
Kinesiology class.
Our Video Database CDs are available for diving (7 CDs of Olympic
performances available from United States Diving) and rowing (1 CD of
Canadian international calibre rowers available from Rowing Canada). The
CDs contain AVI files as well as software to compare two performances
simultaneously. Information for ordering the CDs can be found on the United
States Diving website and the Rowing Canada website.
************************************************** **********
Gordon Chalmers Subject: Videos for Kinesiology class.
You could try searching for popular press video clips at:
There are some video clips at:
http://www.exploratorium.edu/sports/index.html (this sport science section
of exploratorium may fit your idea of "make biomechanics "cool" for these
Also, I have found popular press video clips for a health class from
archives at: http://cbc.ca/
I have heard that the PBS web site also has archives of shows, some with
************************************************** ***********
doug.mcclymont@cce.ac.nz Organization: Christchurch Collge of Education
X-Mailer: Pegasus Mail for Win32 (v3.12c) Priority: normal
I use two, one a 15minute video I use in another courses, Speed Training
produced by Ralph Mouchabahani, iadcralph@aol.com and the other my own
which I've put together over the years, and all stolen off air!
Unfortunately our e-mail system won't cope with the export of .avi files,
and we're on PAL while you're on NTSC but if you arrange to tape something
like Sports Machine or Gillette Saturday Night Football (that's what it is
here!) or even the evening news regularly, you'll pick up all the crashes
and attention grabbing items you need. The only problem is the time.
For instance I have a lovely clip of a downhill skier leaving the ground
slightly off balance so with rotation about the frontal axis. The crash is
horrendous but the real interest is in the application of Newton 1 and the
efforts of the athlete to use transfer of momentum to control his
rotation. There are often clips of speedboats and racing cars "benefiting"
from lift and people flying through the air having been fired from cannons
are common.
You might try Beakmans World or Beyond 2000 as well. Both a great source
of information!
************************************************** ***********
rdclark@calpoly.edu Subject: Videos for Kinesiology class.
the best videos to illustrate angular motion (conservation of angular
momentum; redistribution of angular momentum, etc) are of course
gymnastics, diving, figure skating, and my favorite, nordic ski jumpers who
make corrections in flight.
go to amazon.com and get their 98 winter olympics video.
And, have you checked other faculty members in your dept? I have borrowed
many tapes that were recorded from sports broadcasts on Television.
Showing copyrighted material of previous winter and summer games to your
class won't be a problem.
************************************************** *************
BAEngr97@aol.com Subject: Re: Videos for Kinesiology class.
A good video that I know of that contains biomechanical information is the
instructional video on the correct pull in olympic weightlifting. This
video is available from www.usaweightlifting.com in the merchandise
section. It shows correct and incorrect pulling motion and details a
computer analysis of forces, velocity, acceleration, etc. It is only 20
minutes in duration so it won't take up an entire lecture hour.
************************************************** **************
Jobbagy Akos Subject: Re: Videos for Kinesiology class.
You can find recordings both from Parkinsonians and from healthy subjects
performing different hand- and finger movements in order to characterise
their actual performance on my web site:
The files are there both in mpeg and in QuickTime format. Also, the time
functions of the markers can be downloaded from this web site.
************************************************** ***************
Raymond McKenna Subject: Re: Videos for
Kinesiology class.
The Motion Lab @ Gillette Children's in St. Paul, MN. has a 3
videos/CD-ROMs entitiled: Normal Gait Principles of Pathological Gait in
Cerebral Palsy Running and Sprinting: A Dynamic Analysis A contact @
Gillette is jolen@200.gchospital.com.
Another site to check out is: http://guardian.curtin.edu.au/cga/
************************************************** **************
Dany Lafontaine Subject: RE: Videos for Kinesiology
a piece of video that would be of great interest is a report on the HPL at
U Calgary that aired on the discovery channel last year
(I think...). It showed many different aspects of biomechanics covered
over there. I liked it a lot myself. That's my two cents worth (in
canadian funds unfortunately...),
************************************************** ************** "Fleisig,
Glenn" Subject: RE: Videos for Kinesiology class.
We sell a pretty good video on The Biomechanics of Throwing. It's about 30
minutes, with audio. It's made for PTs, MDs, Biomechanists, etc. It cost
$40. If you're interested in learning more about this, please let me know.
************************************************** ***************
James C. Martin Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Department of Exercise and Sport Science
University of Utah
Email: Jim.Martin@health.utah.edu
Phone: 801-581-7558
Fax: 801-585-3992
To unsubscribe send SIGNOFF BIOMCH-L to LISTSERV@nic.surfnet.nl
For information and archives: http://isb.ri.ccf.org/biomch-l
The response to my request for videos to use in a Kinesiology class was
fantastic and the responses are summarized below. Many of the links contain
a wealth of information.
Several responders wished to know about the video "Extreme Machines: Pedal
Power." It is available on VHS from The Learning Channel for $20. Call 800
475 6636 It is tape number 744151. Also, I located the file for the
Adidas TV commercial featuring Jami Goldman, double amputee athlete,
Many thanks to all of you.
May you all have alert and interested students,
Jim Martin
************************************************** ****
Rachel Skoss Department of Human Movement and Exercise Science University
of Western Australia. rskoss@cyllene.uwa.edu.au
I recently had to write a biomechanics of cycling lecture for a 2nd year
class. I found a great web site - The science of cycling within the
exploratorium site. I'm using 2 movies to try to grab their attention -
Trick cycling (as seen in 1899), and trick cycling (as seen in 1999), both
of which I got from the exploratorium site. The latter is the trials MTB
world-champ so would have some "cred"...
************************************************** *****
There are plenty of videos on the Clinical Gait Analysis site, in the Case
of the Week, Teach-in 2000 and FAQ sections:
Chris -- Dr. Chris Kirtley MD PhD Associate Professor HomeCare Technologies
for the 21st Century (Whitaker Foundation) NIDRR Rehabilitation Engineering
Research Center on TeleRehabilitation Dept. of Biomedical Engineering,
Pangborn 105B Catholic University of America 620 Michigan Ave NE
Washington, DC 20064 Tel. 202-319-6247, fax 202-319-4287 Email:
kirtley@cua.edu http://engineering.cua.edu/biomedical
************************************************** *******
From: Jeremy Smith Subject: Re: Videos for
Kinesiology class.
I recently used a video called "Can science build a champion athlete." It
was produced by Films for the Humanities & Sciences (FFH). It doesn't
specifically address any biomechanics problems, but it does peak interest
in biomechanics. The video would be a great introduction for students who
have not seen anything in biomechanics because is does show how athletes
and sport science go together. If you need any more information please
contact me at the reply-to-address above.
************************************************** ********
David George Subject: Re: Videos for Kinesiology class.
I applaud you in your desire to maintain your students. What do you think
of you and your students creating your own videos? With some of newer
technology one can project from a VCR onto one of those white boards (the
kind which uses a dry erase marker) and then you and your students could
pause the video tape, indicate points for greater trochanter, lateral
condyle or epi-condyle of femur and tibia, lateral mallelous. One can
then create the segments at that frame then proceed to do the same for
later or intermittent frames. Using this approach, you and your students
can investigate movements of interest and perhaps discover some
interesting phenomena along the way. Of course this analysis can be
altered by including points for the acromium and floating rib. As you
know, by using pre- and post- of same participant the variability of point
location is nullified.
************************************************** *********
"D.I. Miller" Subject: Re: Videos for
Kinesiology class.
Our Video Database CDs are available for diving (7 CDs of Olympic
performances available from United States Diving) and rowing (1 CD of
Canadian international calibre rowers available from Rowing Canada). The
CDs contain AVI files as well as software to compare two performances
simultaneously. Information for ordering the CDs can be found on the United
States Diving website and the Rowing Canada website.
************************************************** **********
Gordon Chalmers Subject: Videos for Kinesiology class.
You could try searching for popular press video clips at:
There are some video clips at:
http://www.exploratorium.edu/sports/index.html (this sport science section
of exploratorium may fit your idea of "make biomechanics "cool" for these
Also, I have found popular press video clips for a health class from
archives at: http://cbc.ca/
I have heard that the PBS web site also has archives of shows, some with
************************************************** ***********
doug.mcclymont@cce.ac.nz Organization: Christchurch Collge of Education
X-Mailer: Pegasus Mail for Win32 (v3.12c) Priority: normal
I use two, one a 15minute video I use in another courses, Speed Training
produced by Ralph Mouchabahani, iadcralph@aol.com and the other my own
which I've put together over the years, and all stolen off air!
Unfortunately our e-mail system won't cope with the export of .avi files,
and we're on PAL while you're on NTSC but if you arrange to tape something
like Sports Machine or Gillette Saturday Night Football (that's what it is
here!) or even the evening news regularly, you'll pick up all the crashes
and attention grabbing items you need. The only problem is the time.
For instance I have a lovely clip of a downhill skier leaving the ground
slightly off balance so with rotation about the frontal axis. The crash is
horrendous but the real interest is in the application of Newton 1 and the
efforts of the athlete to use transfer of momentum to control his
rotation. There are often clips of speedboats and racing cars "benefiting"
from lift and people flying through the air having been fired from cannons
are common.
You might try Beakmans World or Beyond 2000 as well. Both a great source
of information!
************************************************** ***********
rdclark@calpoly.edu Subject: Videos for Kinesiology class.
the best videos to illustrate angular motion (conservation of angular
momentum; redistribution of angular momentum, etc) are of course
gymnastics, diving, figure skating, and my favorite, nordic ski jumpers who
make corrections in flight.
go to amazon.com and get their 98 winter olympics video.
And, have you checked other faculty members in your dept? I have borrowed
many tapes that were recorded from sports broadcasts on Television.
Showing copyrighted material of previous winter and summer games to your
class won't be a problem.
************************************************** *************
BAEngr97@aol.com Subject: Re: Videos for Kinesiology class.
A good video that I know of that contains biomechanical information is the
instructional video on the correct pull in olympic weightlifting. This
video is available from www.usaweightlifting.com in the merchandise
section. It shows correct and incorrect pulling motion and details a
computer analysis of forces, velocity, acceleration, etc. It is only 20
minutes in duration so it won't take up an entire lecture hour.
************************************************** **************
Jobbagy Akos Subject: Re: Videos for Kinesiology class.
You can find recordings both from Parkinsonians and from healthy subjects
performing different hand- and finger movements in order to characterise
their actual performance on my web site:
The files are there both in mpeg and in QuickTime format. Also, the time
functions of the markers can be downloaded from this web site.
************************************************** ***************
Raymond McKenna Subject: Re: Videos for
Kinesiology class.
The Motion Lab @ Gillette Children's in St. Paul, MN. has a 3
videos/CD-ROMs entitiled: Normal Gait Principles of Pathological Gait in
Cerebral Palsy Running and Sprinting: A Dynamic Analysis A contact @
Gillette is jolen@200.gchospital.com.
Another site to check out is: http://guardian.curtin.edu.au/cga/
************************************************** **************
Dany Lafontaine Subject: RE: Videos for Kinesiology
a piece of video that would be of great interest is a report on the HPL at
U Calgary that aired on the discovery channel last year
(I think...). It showed many different aspects of biomechanics covered
over there. I liked it a lot myself. That's my two cents worth (in
canadian funds unfortunately...),
************************************************** ************** "Fleisig,
Glenn" Subject: RE: Videos for Kinesiology class.
We sell a pretty good video on The Biomechanics of Throwing. It's about 30
minutes, with audio. It's made for PTs, MDs, Biomechanists, etc. It cost
$40. If you're interested in learning more about this, please let me know.
************************************************** ***************
James C. Martin Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Department of Exercise and Sport Science
University of Utah
Email: Jim.Martin@health.utah.edu
Phone: 801-581-7558
Fax: 801-585-3992
To unsubscribe send SIGNOFF BIOMCH-L to LISTSERV@nic.surfnet.nl
For information and archives: http://isb.ri.ccf.org/biomch-l