Dear Biomch-L readers,
In reply to:
Christopher Nordmeyer's query for the information on geometric
details of a human humerus
Venka Somayji's query for the information on geometric details
of a human femur,
I might, perhaps, suggest the following references:
1. Fung, Y.C. "Biomechanics. Mechanical Properties of Living
Tissues", Chapter 12; Springer-Verlag, 1981
2. Gould, I.A., Davies, G.I. "Orthopaedic and Sports Physical
Therapy", Chapter 1; CV Mosby, 1985
3. Pauwels, F. "Biomechanics of the Locomotor Apparatus.
Contributions on the Functional Anatomy of the Locomotor
Apparatus"; Springer-Verlag, 1980
Regards -- kgp
In reply to:
Christopher Nordmeyer's query for the information on geometric
details of a human humerus
Venka Somayji's query for the information on geometric details
of a human femur,
I might, perhaps, suggest the following references:
1. Fung, Y.C. "Biomechanics. Mechanical Properties of Living
Tissues", Chapter 12; Springer-Verlag, 1981
2. Gould, I.A., Davies, G.I. "Orthopaedic and Sports Physical
Therapy", Chapter 1; CV Mosby, 1985
3. Pauwels, F. "Biomechanics of the Locomotor Apparatus.
Contributions on the Functional Anatomy of the Locomotor
Apparatus"; Springer-Verlag, 1980
Regards -- kgp