> My dissertation is concerned with looking at the difference of front and rear squatting, primarily looking at which method is better for developing lower body strength and size. I will be using force platform, video analysis and EMG to collect data on muscle moments and muscle electrical activity respectively.
> Within the literature one article is very similar. This was titled 'A preliminary comparison of front and back squats exercises' by P.J. Russell and S.J. Phillips, in Research quarterly for exercise and sport 1989, Vol.60 No.3, pp.201-208. This research article, while addressing an area without a lot of research, was sadly quite poor. A.C. Fry and W.J. Kraemer (1990) in research quarterly for exercise and sport vol.61 No.2 pp.210-211, responded to it, highlighting its many flaws. One flaw, was that they used 75% of a 1 RM of the back squat in both front and rear squat exercises, were as they should of used 75% of the 1 RM of the front squat for the front squat exercise and 75% of the 1 RM max. of the rear squat for the rear squat exercise.
> Another area of concern was that Russell and Phillips used the end of the barbell as a marker for the shoulder joint center (as the plates on the barbell hide the shoulder joint location), while this was done by B.G. Ariel (1974) in a research article 'Biomechanical analysis of the knee joint during knee bends with heavy load' in Biomechanics IV, is, as Fry and Kraemer state "inaccurate for calculating trunk moments".
> I have read other journal articles relating to my topic such as:
> 1. 'Stance width and bar load effects on leg muscle activity during the parallel squat' McCaw and Melrose (1999) Medicine and Science in sport and exercise Vol.31, No.3, pp.428-436.
> 2. 'EMG analysis of lower extremity muscle recruitment patterns during an unloaded squat' Isear, Erickson and Worrell (1999) Medicine and science in sport and exercise Vol.29, No.4. pp.532-539.
> 3. 'EMG analysis of the squat performed in the self selected lower extremity neutral position and 30 degree of the lower extremity turn out from the self selected neutral position' Ninos, Irrgang, Burdett and Weiss (1997) Journal of orthopaedic and sports physical therapy. Vol.25 No.5.
> 4.'Biomechanics of the knee during closed kinetic chain and open kinetic chain exercises' Escamilla, Fleisig, Zheng, et al (1998) Medicine and science in sports and exercise. Vol.30 No.4. pp.556-569.
> 5. 'Kinetics of the parallel squat' McLaughlin, Lardner, and Dillman (1978) Research quarterly Vol.49. pp.175-189.
> My main enquiry(s) to any of your readers is do they Know of other literature related to my topic that will be worth a trip to the British library?, and most importantly how can you more accurately locate the shoulder joint center for video analysis in the sagittal plane if plates on the barbell are hiding the shoulder joint center?
> Any correspondence to andrewtanner@lycos.com
> Many thanks. Andrew Tanner. University of Brighton, Chelsea school of Sport Science. England
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