> This winter, UCLA Extension will present the following biomedical
> engineering short courses on the UCLA campus in Los Angeles.
January 8-12, 2001, "Digital Signal Processing: Theory, Algorithms,
and Implementation". The instructor is Robert W. Stewart, PhD,
Faculty Member, Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering,
University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, United Kingdom, $1895.
January 22-24, 2001, "Primary Packaging Development for
Biotechnology". The instructors are Douglas Stockdale, Principal,
DS Consultants; Robert L. Clayton, Technical Services Specialist,
Kimble Glass, Inc.; Tibor M. Hlobik, Manager, Customer Technical
Support, West Pharmaceutical Services, $1295.
January 25-26, 2001, "Understanding the Cardio-Respiratory System".
The instructor is Andrew Huszcza, PhD, Director of Research and
Development, Vacumed, $895.
> For additional information and complete descriptions of all short courses,
> please visit our website, http://uclaextension.org/shortcourses/,
> or contact Marcus Hennessy at:
> (310) 825-1047
> (310) 206-2815 fax
> mhenness@unex.ucla.edu
> All of these courses may also be presented on-site at company locations.
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