I am attaching a job description for a chair's position in Kinesiology, Health Promotion and Recreation at the University of North Texas. Please feel free to share it with colleagues in your department.
CHAIR Department of Kinesiology, Health Promotion and Recreation
University of North Texas
The Department of Kinesiology, Health Promotion, and Recreation at the University of North Texas is searching for a Chair, rank of Associate or Full Professor, tenure track or tenured. The position of Chair will be available beginning June 2001, with a desired start date of no later than September 2001. The Department offers both undergraduate and graduate (masters) degrees in Kinesiology, Health Promotion, and Recreation.
The chairperson will provide academic leadership for instruction, research and service; manage budget, supervise and evaluate faculty and staff in an academic department, and represent the department or college on university committees. Characteristics deemed important by the KHPR faculty include: responsibility, concern for health and fitness, concern for others, objective analysis, and achievement. The candidate must have demonstrated ability to work effectively with a diverse faculty in planning and program development as well as managing a complex department. A collegial style which fosters collaboration and communication is essential.
The candidate for this position must hold a doctoral degree in an area related to Kinesiology, Health Promotion, and Recreation, and have achieved a national reputation among professional peers. There must be a significant record of scholarly achievement, substantial administrative experience, and commendable professional service for a tenured appointment at the rank of Associate or Full Professor. Experience in securing external funding and facilitating grant proposals by colleagues is highly desirable. Salary is competitive, depending on qualifications and background.
Review of applications will begin no later than January 5, 2001 and continue until the position is filled. Send letter of application, curriculum vita, official academic transcripts, and three letters of references to:
Dr. John Stansell, Chair
Search Committee
Department of Kinesiology, Health Promotion, and Recreation
P. O. Box 311337
Denton, TX 76203-1337
Phone: 940-565-2843
Fax: 940-565-4904
Email: JStnsll@coefs.coe.unt.edu
UNT is an Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action Employer
The main part of intellectual education is not the acquisition of facts but
learning how to make facts live.
- Oliver Wendell Holmes
Noreen L. Goggin, Ph.D.
(940) 565-2212
Department of Kinesiology, Health Promotion, Recreation
P.O. Box 311337
University of North Texas
Denton, TX 76203-1337
Web Page http://www.coe.unt.edu/goggin
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