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Re: public domain PDF tools

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  • Re: public domain PDF tools

    Dear Colleagues,

    Thanks to Mel Siff for the info on PDF software. I thought you might want
    to know that one very important use of the PDF format is as a form. Last
    month I submitted a grant proposal to NIH using an editable PDF version of
    form PHS398. I used the free Adobe Acrobat Reader to open this form, type
    in the necessary information on the form (like using a typewriter on a paper
    form, but much easier), the printing the edited form to my printer. The one
    MAJOR headache, however, is that the free Acrobat Reader software does not
    let you save your edited form to disk. If you exit the Acrobat Reader
    software and sometime later find a mistake on what you printed, you cannot
    pull up the edited form; rather what you pull up is the blank form and have
    to start all over. So, what I did was type up all the info in a Word
    document, then copy and paste into the PDF form. This copying and pasting
    took a lot of time, and I am considering purchasing the full version of
    Adobe Acrobat so I can save the edited PDF files to my hard drive next time.
    This will save a LOT of time and allow me to save my full grant application
    on disk for future use (in the exact same PDF format that I began with, just
    without the blanks).

    I wonder if any "free" software offers similar functionality as the full
    Adobe Acrobat software (for editing existing PDF forms and saving them to
    your hard drive). I couldn't tell from visiting their web sites. Does
    anyone know the answer to this question? Thanks.

    [Note: Since writing this note, I got a reply back from the Win2PDF people,
    and they say that their software cannot be used to save editable PDF forms,
    rather only to create non-editable PDF files. Sounds like I might need the
    real thing (Adobe Acrobat) to do what I need. It may turn out that Adobe
    Acrobat will become just as essential to most of us as Microsoft Word or
    Excel. Nice to see a non-Microsoft contender doing well. Now if they can
    reduce the price...]


    Richard N. Hinrichs, Ph.D.
    Dept. of Exercise Science and Physical Education
    Arizona State University
    Box 870404
    Tempe, AZ 85287-0404
    (1) 480-965-1624 (voice)
    (1) 480-965-8108 (fax) (email)

    -----Original Message-----
    From: Ton van den Bogert []
    Sent: Monday, November 06, 2000 10:15 AM
    Subject: public domain PDF tools

    Dear subscribers,

    Dr. Mel Siff submitted the posting attached below and the moderators
    of Biomch-L have decided to forward it, even though it is not
    related to biomechanics. We believe it is of general interest.

    Some additional information: I have used Pstill by Frank Siegert to
    convert PostScript to PDF on the UNIX platform, with excellent results.
    See . Pstill is free for
    noncommercial use. PostScript files can be produced by the printer
    driver for Apple Laserwriter, which is included in the Windows operating

    One advantage of PDF files not mentioned by Dr. Siff is that the contents
    are protected: no text or graphics can be copied to other documents.
    Another advantage of PDF is that all readers will see exactly the same
    formatting. With a Word document, you could submit a two-page abstract
    to a conference, only to be told that the Word document was three pages
    on their system. PDF solves that problem.

    Some funding agencies (e.g. American Heart Association) now require
    grant proposals to be sent as PDF files.

    Many thanks to Mel Siff for this useful information. I have not looked
    in detail at the resources he found, but it seems to be relatively easy
    to produce PDF files from Windows applications for free.

    Ton van den Bogert, Biomch-L co-moderator

    ------------ original message: -------------------------------------------

    > From:
    > Date: Sun, 5 Nov 2000 04:08:22 EST
    > Subject: Inexpensive PDF Programs
    > To:

    By now, many of you are familiar with PDF (Portable Document Format) files
    that you can open on any computer provided that you have already downloaded
    the free Adobe Acrobat Reader from:

    While this free program allows you to read PDF files from MACs, PCs etc, it
    does not allow you to create your own PDF files of academic and other
    documents prepared in other programs such as Word, Photoshop, Freehand,
    and numerous others. To do that, you usually have to buy Adobe Acrobat
    (Writer) which will cost you about US $250. What many people do not know is
    that there are shareware or free programs available that will create PDF
    files for you. If you submit articles to journals or collaborate with fellow
    professionals across the world, PDF files will make life far easier for both
    sender and receiver.

    The advantage of this is that you can create files that you can share with
    anyone over the Internet, irrespective of which email system you are using.
    I am sure that it has often frustrated many of you that the files which you
    so carefully composed for a colleague who uses a different computer system
    email service cannot read what you sent, especially if they contain tables,
    graphs or photos. If this is the case, then converting your files to PDF
    the answer. All that you do then is convert your files to PDF format, then
    send them as attachments to your friend and all will be well.

    To help you do this, here are a few shareware and freeware programs that you
    can download from the web:

    For Macintosh:

    For PC:

    Once you have installed these programs on your computer, all that you need
    do is to print to PDF instead of to your printer and these programs will
    automatically create a PDF version of your original file, whether it
    photographs and tables or not.

    Dr Mel C Siff
    Denver, USA

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