Graduate Program in Movement Science at The University of Michigan
The Department of Movement Science at The University of Michigan has
recently expanded their faculty and is actively recruiting students to join
their graduate program. Recent additions to the department faculty include
three new asistant professors in exercise physiology and biomechanics.
Expansion of the department also includes substantial laboratory
renovations and additions providing state of the art research facilities
for faculty and students. Fellowships, graduate student assistantships,
and research appointments are available for highly qualified students.
Potential applicants should contact Carrie Stein, Student Services
Associate at or (734) 764-1343.
Specific research interests of the Movement Science faculty are listed
below. Several members within the department focus on motor learning and
control using neurophysiology, biomechanics, and dynamic systems theory
perspectives. More detailed information can be found at the UM Division of
Kinesiology web site (
Marvin Boluyt, Ph.D., The University of Michigan
Cardiac muscle physiology, molecular physiology of heart disease and aging
Dan Ferris, Ph.D., UC Berkeley - (starting fall 2001)
Neuromechanical control, biorobotics, neuro-rehabilitation, simulated
reduced gravity
Jeff Horowitz, Ph.D., UT Austin
Fat and carbohydrate metabolism, substrate utilization in aging, diet, and
Rosa Angulo-Kinzler, Assistant Professor; Ph.D., Indiana University
Motor development, motor skill learning in infants
Katarina Borer, Professor; Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania
Exercise endocrinology, growth and energy expenditure, cardiovascular risk
Susan Brown, Associate Professor; Ph.D., University of Western Ontario
Upper limb motor control in aging, Parkinson's disease and cerebral palsy
Dee Edington, Professor; Ph.D., Michigan State University
Worksite wellness, health-care cost containment, health promotion
Melissa Gross, Associate Professor; Ph.D., UCLA
Biomechanics of aging, coordination of expressive movement, dance
Victor Katch, Professor; Ed.D., UC Berkeley
Exercise physiology, nutrition, body composition, weight control
Beverly Ulrich, Professor and Dean of Kinesiology; Ph.D., Michigan State
Motor development, dynamic systems theory, treadmill training infants with
Down syndrome
Dale Ulrich, Associate Professor; Ph.D., Michigan State University
Adapted physical education, motor behavior assessment, motor development
Dan Ferris, Ph.D.
Department of Electrical Engineering
University of Washington
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