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Call for Proposals

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  • Call for Proposals

    Biomch-l members,

    I am passing on this call for proposals - please direct all responses to
    Dr. Howard Marshall listed at the end of the message - thx

    Irene McClay

    ************************************************** ********************


    Pauline Marshall Research & Educational Fund (PMREF)


    The PMREF announces that multiple grants are available in amounts up to
    $35,000 for research that evaluates the ability of foot orthoses to
    influence the lower extremity during gait. The goal is to encourage
    studies that establish how a foot orthosis affects the lower extremity
    during walking/running.


    Custom molded foot orthoses have been a popular, widely accepted form of
    therapy for many gait-related pathologies. “Custom made orthotics” are
    prescribed by multiple medical specialties: Podiatrists, Physical
    Therapists, Chiropractors, Orthopedists, Orthotists, Pedorthists, etc,
    and there is typically large disagreement between these specialties as
    to how shoe inserts affect foot/leg function. There are a multitude of
    studies in the literature, however, many are anecdotal and do not
    provide a scientific explanation for the mechanics behind an orthosis’
    success or failure. In addition, the research literature provides
    conflicting hypotheses regarding how an orthosis functions. These
    conflicts may be due, in part to:

    1. The small number of subjects studied
    2. The wide range of devices tested
    3. The differences in the materials in these devices (or lack of such
    4. The methods for making foot impressions are not defined
    5. The methods for making the orthoses are not documented
    6. The shoe gear in which the orthoses are worn is never described
    7. There is a lack of a standardized evaluation of subjects prior to

    More importantly, the variables investigated in the majority of
    published studies have yielded little insight into where, when, or why
    an orthosis improves or does not improve the biomechanical function of
    the lower extremity during gait. The scientific rationale for using and
    justifying more expensive types of foot orthoses is clearly missing from
    the literature. New technology and analytical procedures are now
    available that should allow for greater understanding of the role of
    custom molded foot orthoses in the treatment of gait-related
    pathologies. The need exists for well-designed, scientific studies that
    combine the skills of clinicians and researchers to further understand
    how foot orthoses can improve a patient’s quality of life.


    The PMREF encourages clinicians and researchers to collaborate and
    design high quality research proposals to establish a scientific
    foundation for understanding the mechanisms behind which foot orthoses


    The PMREF requires that investigators interested in submitting a grant
    application to PMREF first submit a “Preproposal”. The purpose of the
    Preproposal is to allow the review committee to evaluate whether or not
    the proposed research project is appropriate for PMREF. Preproposals
    will be evaluated for subject matter (topic and hypotheses) and for
    research/design methodology. Based upon this evaluation, the research
    committee will either invite the submission of a full proposal or
    indicate that the project is not appropriate for PMREF. A full proposal
    will undergo a detailed evaluation by the PMREF review committee for
    scientific merit and clinical relevance. Proposals with the highest
    scores will be funded.

    NOTE: An invitation to submit a full proposal does not imply a
    commitment to funding. The invitation merely indicates that the topic
    is of potential interest to PMREF and that the general research design
    seems reasonable based on the information given in the Preproposal.

    Instructions for Preproposal Submission

    The Preproposal must be submitted in hard copy (3 page limit, single
    spaced) and 3.5” diskette or CD (Windows PC Format) by February 1,
    2001. Applicants will get results of the review within 4 weeks after
    the Preproposal is received (March 1, 2001). The submission deadline
    for full proposals is April 15, 2001 and applicants will get results
    within 6 weeks (June 1, 2001). Funding for accepted proposals will
    begin August 1, 2001.

    The principal investigator must be explicit and concise in providing the
    following information in the preproposal:

    1. Name, credentials, address, phone, fax, email, sponsoring
    institution, and title of proposal.

    2. Statement of the problem
    Provide a brief statement of the problem and describe explicitly how the
    project relates to where, when, or why an orthosis improves or does not
    improve the biomechanical function of the lower extremity during gait.

    3. Specific aims and hypothesis
    Present the specific questions to be addressed and the specific
    hypotheses to be tested in the project. Be sure to number each aim and
    its related hypotheses.

    4. Experimental design and general methods
    Create a general outline of the design of the proposed study. Indicate
    what methods will be used to: determine subject population,
    biomechanical exam, capturing the morphology of the foot, orthosis
    manufacture, and data collection/analysis. Care should be taken to
    provide sufficient detail to enable grant reviewers to evaluate the
    basic info pertinent to the patient exam,
    casting/prescription/fabrication of the shoe insert, and analysis of the
    foot orthoses.

    Mail completed Prepropsal to:

    Dr. Howard Marshall, DPM
    President and CEO
    Pauline Marshall Research & Educational Fund
    PO Box 800492
    Santa Clarita, CA 91380
    Fax: 800-556-3338

    ************************************************** ***************************

    Irene McClay, PhD, PT
    Director of Research, Joyner Sportsmedicine Institute
    Associate Professor, Department of Physical Therapy
    305 McKinly Lab
    University of Delaware
    Newark, DE 19716

    (302)831-4263 (ph)
    (302)831-4234 (fax)

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