2nd Call for Papers - Deadline February 15, 2001

International Symposium on Biomechanics in Sport
National Symposium on Teaching Biomechanics in Sport

See the conference website for infomation:

Confirmed Speakers

ISBS Geoffrey Dyson Lecture
Peter R. Cavanagh
The Center for Locomotion Studies
Penn State University, USA
"Biomechanics on the International Space Station."

ISBS Plenary Session Speakers
Walter Herzog
Kinesiology, Engineering and Medicine
University of Calgary, Canada
"The Biomechanics of Dynamically Contracting Skeletal Muscle."
Sponsored by Noraxon

Herbert Hatze
Head, Department and Laboratory of Biomechanics
University of Vienna, Austria
"Power Assessment of Individual Leg Muscle Groups by Multistructural
Analysis of Symmetric Vertical Maximum Effort Jumps."
Sponsored by Noraxon

Glen Fleisig
Smith+Nephew Chair of Research
American Sports Medicine Institute, USA
"The Biomechanics of Throwing."
Sponsored by Noraxon

Ewald Hennig
Biomechanik Labor, Sport- und Bewegungswissenschaften
Universitaet Essen, Germany
"Tennis Racket Biomechanics - An Empirical Approach"

Jeff Broker
Sport Biomechanist/Manager of Biomechanics and Engineering
United States Olympic Committee Sport Science & Technology Division
"Advanced Sport Technologies: Enhancing Olympic Athletic Performance"

Jill L. McNitt-Gray
Biomechanics Research Lab
Departments of Kinesiology, Biomedical Engineering, Biokinesiology and
Physical Therapy
University of Southern California, USA
"Impulse Generation During Jumping and Landing Movements."

Roger M. Bartlett
Director, Sport Science Research Institute
Sheffield Hallam University, U.K.
"Performance Analysis - Is it the Symbiosis of Biomechanics and Notational
Analysis, or is it an Illusion?"

NASPE Teaching Conference Plenary Sessions
Bob Schleihauf
Movement Analysis Laboratory Director
San Francisco State University, USA
"A CD-Rom Based, Interactive Biomechanics Course."

Duane Knudson
California State University - Chico, USA
"Teaching Biomechanics in the Context of Professional Qualitative Analysis."

Conference host

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