Dear fellow Biomechanists,
A few days ago I submitted the following question to the list members:
>Does anyone know of a PC software that demonstrates dynamically human
>functional anatomy with emphasis (or without) on the shoulder girdle,
>shoulder joint and elbow joint?
>I am in need of demonstrating the movements of such joints in order to
>facilitate the understanding of students the notion of adduction, abduction,
>elevation, depression, upward rotation, etc.
>I will appreciate any information or tips on the subject.
>Eyal Weissblueth
Follows is a compilation of the answers I got. To all the contributors thank you very much for your help.
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1. Natalie Lindsay wrote:
I am currently involved in a project developing a 3D kinematic model of the human shoulder complex. I have found the following links very useful for motions of the shoulder complex and perhaps they may be of use to you:
Hope this is of assistance,
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2. Luca Cristofolini wrote:
I am not aware of any SW, only text books (e.g. P.Mackinnon J. Morris, Oxford textbook of functional anatomy: Vol. 1 musculoskeletal system, Oxford University Press, or Palastanga et al. Anatomy and human movement Butterworth-Heinemann). If you get any useful input, please forward the list also to me.
Sorry for not being of much help. Best regards,
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3. Raymond McKenna wrote:
I haven't previewed the software yet, but you may want to check out
"Interactive Shoulder" which is distributed by Laser Professor. Their web
site is
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4. Chris Swann wrote:
I hope this of use to you:, they have a cd-rom of a
3D interactive skeleton that shows muscles, locations and actions over the
entire body.
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5. Paul Devita wrote:
I use Dynamic Human in my undergraduate course and it shows all the major
joint motions and many other kinesiological concepts.
I purchase through WCB McGraw-Hill with the text book.
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6. J. D. Johnston wrote:
In regards to the functional anatomy software for the elbow, have you looked at any of the Primal Pictures products. We have the "Interactive Hand 2000" and it's amazing. MRI images, CT scans, x-rays, and complete anatomy (with the ability to remove tendons, ligaments, bones, veins, etc). Check out the webpage at and download a demo for the elbow.
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7. Beverly Burke wrote:
I am using ADAM. Its not the best, but it does offer quite a bit. They have
a website. Try or or ask your browser to search
under interactive anatomy.
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8. Pamela J. Russell wrote:
Try Interactive skeleton at:
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Thank you all once again.
Eyal Weissblueth (4X1EG)
(H) Bney Yehuda, Golan Heights 12944, Israel (972-6-6762002)
(W) The Academic College of Ohalo in Qatzrin, Qatzrin 12900, Israel (972-6-6965333)
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