Attention: To whom it may concern
I wonder if you can help me out?
My correspondence concerns the literature review for my BSc (hons) in sport
and exercise science, dissertation. My study is looking at core stability
training and vertical jump performance. For my literature review I need to
identify why I think there might be a relationship between core stability
training and vertical jump performance.
This being the case I have come up with the following out line structure:
1. Identify existing methods for improving vertical jump, and their
2. Identify literature on biomechanics of vertical jump, so to identify
patterns of activation.
3. Identify literature on core stability.
Then I will need to relate 2 and 3, and compare the theories to 1.
It is at point 2 where I need your help. Would it be possible for you to
point me in the direction of relevant literature on the vertical jump that
identifies patterns of activation.
Any help and ideas that you may have would be very much appreciated.
Neil Brown
Contact Details:
East Wing
Mathern House
NP16 6JA
Tel: 01291 626980
Mobile: 07759060139
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