Please distribute the following job vacancy to all interested people
and approriate networks and bulletin boards.


Applications are invited for the position of Associate Professor in the
Centre for Human Movement Science and Sport Management. The successful
applicant may be from any discipline serviced by this centre and will
be appointed initially as Head of Centre for four years.

The Centre for Human Movement Science and Sport Management offers an
undergraduate degree with specialist majors in Exercise Science and
Sport Management. Research degrees are offered at the Honours, Masters
and Doctoral levels.

The Centre is housed in a modern facility with well equipped
laboratories and teaching areas. In particular, the biomechanics,
biochemistry and physiology laboratories are of a very high standard.

Essential: A doctorate in a relevant discipline; a proven record of
excellence in research and/or managment and/or teaching; a thorough
understanding of the current issues and potential directions of Human
Movement Science at the tertiary level; an ability to provide academic
and administrative leadership within the Centre; demonstrated ability
to supervise postgraduate students.

Desirable: A developed research profile with an established record for
attracting research funding; national/international reputation in some
aspect of a discipline appropriate to the Centre; experience teaching
at the tertiary level.

Salary: AU$60,475 - AU$66,625 per annum.

Closing Date: Monday, 4th January, 1993.

Enquiries: Professor Sandra Speedy, ph. +61 66 20 3757
or Robert Newton on Internet Email

Robert Newton Internet:
Lecturer in Biomechanics ACSnet: rnewton@loki.une.oz
University of NewEngland,
Northern Rivers Phone: +61 (066) 203762
P.O. Box 157
Lismore NSW Australia