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Neural Nets in Biomechanics

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  • Neural Nets in Biomechanics

    Dear Fellow Biomechanists:

    Having tried to tackle the problem of modeling of multiple muscle systems in a
    very modest way and not being very successful at it, we wonder how well neural
    nets have done in this field.
    Recently there has been some mention of the use of neural nets and we are curiou
    to see if anyone has attempted to use them for modeling of multiple-muscle
    systems. If anyone did, could you share your results with us?
    We also would like to know of a (literature) source that could guide us in
    learning more about artificial neural nets especially with respect to it's
    potential use in biomechanics.
    If you want to, you can respond directly to us, so that we can compile a list of
    whatever you are able to send us and then distribute it onto the list.

    Thanks in advance,

    Ali Sheikhzadeh and Ben F. Willems
    Hospital for Joint Diseases
    Occupational and Industrial Orthopaedic Center
    63 Downing Street
    New York, NY 10014
    U.S. of A.
    Phone: (212) 255 6690 ext. 120
    Fax: (212) 255 6754
    Bitnet bitnet%"willemsb@nyuacf"
    Internet in%""
    Compuserve 72350,361 or in%""