Dear all,
I'm pleased to announce the following tenure-track openings at CUA
The Department of Biomedical Engineering at the Catholic University of
America Washington, DC invites
applications for two tenure-track faculty positions in biomedical
engineering. The department will consider qualified individuals with
expertise in one of the following fields of bioengineering: design and
study of accessible technologies, human and animal movement,
computational biology and biotechnology, bioinstrumentation, and
biomaterials. Positions are at the assistant and associate professor
level. Basic qualifications for the positions are a Ph. D in Biomedical
Engineering or a related field, commitment to teaching and potential for
conducting innovative research in bioengineering. The Department of
Biomedical Engineering offers an ABET accredited undergraduate program
as well as graduate programs leading to masters and doctoral degrees.
The department also houses the Home Care Technologies Center, funded by
a Whitaker Foundation Grant and has strong research links with the
neighboring National Rehabilitation Hospital.
The Catholic University's tree-lined campus is located in the historic,
residential community of Brookland in the northeast quadrant of the
nation's capital. Romanesque and modern architecture grace the 51
buildings. The Metrorail station next to campus provides quick access to
the resources of the National Institutes of Health, National Library of
Medicine, Smithsonian Institution museums, Library of Congress and
numerous other government agencies and biomedical companies.
Consideration of applications will begin April 9, 2001 and continue
until the positions are filled. Please reply with a letter of
application, curriculum vitae, names of five references, and a statement
of research and teaching interests.
Dr. Chris Kirtley MD PhD
Associate Professor
HomeCare Technologies for the 21st Century (Whitaker Foundation)
NIDRR Rehabilitation Engineering Research Center on TeleRehabilitation
Dept. of Biomedical Engineering, Pangborn 105B
Catholic University of America
620 Michigan Ave NE
Washington, DC 20064
Tel. 202-319-6247, fax 202-319-4287
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