Dear Biomch-L subscribers,
The following item is cross-posted from Usenet
(sci.image.processing), and may be of interest for applications
of medical imaging in biomechanics.
-- Ton van den Bogert, Biomch-L co-moderator
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Newsgroups: sci.image.processing,
From: (Koen Vincken)
Subject: CALL FOR ABSTRACTS: Volume Image Processing (VIP '93)
Sender: (Usenet Network)
Date: Fri, 18 Dec 1992 14:07:55 GMT
Organization: University of Utrecht, 3D Computer Vision Research Group
Lines: 148
V I P '93
International Conference on
Volume Image Processing
University Hospital Utrecht, The Netherlands
2 - 4 June 1993
First announcement and Call for papers (abstracts)
VIP '93 is the fourth in a series of annual conferences held in
Utrecht, The Netherlands. The previous meetings were titled '3D
Image Processing and Visualization'. The main reason for starting
the conference series was to make available to the scientific
community the results of the national priority programme '3D
Computer Vision'. This programme, carried out by the Universities
of Utrecht, Delft, Amsterdam and the University Hospital Utrecht,
is subsidized by the Netherlands government through a SPIN grant
and by a number of industrial companies (in 1992: Agfa-Gevaert,
Philips Medical Systems, KEMA). Since the programme is
approaching the end of its first (SPIN) phase, it was judged
timely to discuss the research results in a broader context, by
calling for papers from other groups working in the field of 3D
image processing. The scope of the conference was also broadened,
by including image measurement and applications in biology among
the main themes, so as to anticipate on the expected close
cooperation with the groups working in '3D Image Analysis',
another national priority SPIN-programme approaching the end of
its first phase. The new name of the conference was chosen to
reflect the changed scope and set-up. VIP '93 will be a small-
scale international conference in that a substantial fraction of
the contributions is expected to come from Netherlands groups,
for reasons outlined above. Another important aspect of the
meeting is that it will focus on contributions from young
scientists, notably graduate students and early post-docs. The
organizers hope that VIP '93, like the previous conferences, will
be a meeting place for people working in university research and
industrial R & D, and provide a platform for exchanging recent
research results and discussing ideas for future work.
Papers on any topic in three-dimensional image processing in its
broadest sense are welcome. The main themes of the conference
will be:
(i) image representation
(ii) multimodality matching
(iii) segmentation, classification
(iv) volumetric visualization
(v) image measurement
(vi) applications (clinical, biological, industrial)
The conference will be a three-day, single track meeting (no
parallel sessions), with oral presentations and a poster session.
Indicate whether you prefer an oral presentation or a poster!
Abstracts (2 pages A4) due: 15 February 1993
Notification of acceptance: 15 March 1993.
Updated abstracts due: 15 April 1993.
Applications to attend due: 1 May 1993.
Conference: 2-4 June 1993.
The 2-page abstracts of accepted oral presentations and posters
will appear in the conference proceedings. At or directly after
the conference, a selection of approximately 10 papers will be
made, for inclusion as a full paper in a special issue of an
international journal.
Attendance will be limited to about 200 persons.
Fees are expressed in Dutch guilders (note that 1 guilder is about $0.57):
Before / after 1 May 1993
Full conference DFL 450,- / 600,- ($257 / $343)
One day DFL 225,- / 300,- ($129 / $171)
Employees of universities and sponsoring companies:
Full conference DFL 300,- / 400,- ($171 / $229)
One day DFL 150,- / 200,- ($ 86 / $114)
(Graduate) students DFL 100,- / 125,- ($ 57 / $ 71)
This fee includes reception, lunches, coffee and tea, and a copy of the
Proceedings; the Social Event is not included.
Information will be given in the second announcement.
James S. Duncan (Yale University)
Bart M. ter Haar Romeny (Univ. Hospital Utrecht)
Olaf K:bler (ETH Z:rich)
Stephen M. Pizer (UNC, Chapel Hill)
Richard A. Robb (Mayo Clinic, Rochester)
Arnold W.M. Smeulders (University of Amsterdam)
H. Siegfried Stiehl (University of Hamburg)
Paul L. Suetens (University of Leuven)
Andrew E. Todd-Pokropek (University College London)
Max A. Viergever (Utrecht University)
Ian T. Young (Delft University of Technology)
LOCAL ORGANISATION Margo Agterberg-Verwoerd
Sandra Boeijink-Spaanjaars
Bart ter Haar Romeny
Max Viergever
Koen Vincken
Address for submission of abstracts, applications to attend and
Secretariat VIP '93
SCVR, AZU E 02.222
P.O. Box 85500
3508 GA Utrecht
The Netherlands
Phone: +31-30-507772/506695
Fax: +31-30-513399