Symposium Announcement:

Deafferentation and The Role of Sensory Afferent in Human

Motor Control

May 14-15 1993

Universite Laval, Quebec City, Canada

Universite Laval and the Centre de recherche en sciences
neurologiques and Groupe de recherche sur le systeme nerveux
central, Universite de Montreal are pleased to host a
symposium on deafferentation and the role of sensory afferent
for human motor control. The symposium will draw together
researchers that are studying (1) patients with large-fiber
sensory neuropathy and central lesions yielding to sensory
neuropathy, (2) the role of proprioception using
microneurographic and perturbation (vibration, curarization
and ischemia) techniques.

The conference will be held in Quebec city, a UNESCO World
Heritage City. The conference language is English.

Invited Speakers:

Rothwell, J.C. (London, UK)
Effect of peripheral input on motor cortical circuitry in man

Sanes, J. (Providence, USA)
Mechanisms for motor disturbance in sensory deafferentation

Cole, J. (Southampton, UK)
Evoked potentials in a man without large myelinated afferents

Gandevia, S. (Sydney-Matraville, AUS)
Motor commands and the activation of human motoneurones in
the absence of movement

Ghez, C. (New-York, USA)
Roles of proprioceptive information in the aiming and
coordination of multijoint movements

Feldman, A. (Montreal, CND)
Sensorimotor coordination in movement production: control
signals, frame of reference and afferent feedback

Jeannerod, M. (Lyon, FRA)
Proprioceptive and visual feedback interactions for goal
directed movements

Roll, J.-P. (Marseille, FRA)
Contribution of skeletal and extra-ocular proprioception for
kinesthetic representation

Forget, R. (Montreal, CND)
Postural adjustments and muscle synergies in the absence of
peripheral feedback

Paillard, J. (Marseille, FRA)
Contribution of proprioceptive information to human behavior

Bard, M., Fleury, M., & Teasdale, N. (Quebec, CND)
Role of cognition for movement control in the absence of
proprioceptive information

Kelso, S. (Boca Raton, USA)
Movement stability and coordination in the absence of
afferent information

Cordo, P. (Portland, USA)
Proprioceptive information for the control of sequential

Registration Fee
Includes program, symposium proceedings.

Before April 15, 1993 After April 15, 1993
Full registrant CND $ 80 Full registrant CND $ 110
Student CND $ 40 Student CND $ 40

Call for Abstracts (poster sessions only)
Deadline : February 15, 1993 (Notification of acceptation
will be sent by March 15)
Length: 300 words
Send 3 copies of abstract and a floppy disk version (Word
processor WORD or WORD PERFECT for IBM or McIntosh) to:

For more information contact:
Chantal Bard
Laboratoire de Performance Motrice Humaine, Universite Laval,
Quebec, Quebec, Canada G1K 7P4
Tel: (1) 418 656 5934
Fax: (1) 418 656 3020
E-mail: 3501CBAR@VM1.ULAVAL.CA