From: (Mark Shortis)
Newsgroups: sci.image.processing
Subject: Videometrics II CFP
Date: 11 Jan 1993 13:43:34 GMT
Organization: University of Melbourne, Dpt of Surveying and Land Information
Lines: 69
Dear Biomch-L subscribers,
Yet another announcement of a conference on machine vision and
digital image analysis (cross-posted from sci.image.processing).
Closer to home this one (for most people).
-- Ton van den Bogert, Biomch-L co-moderator
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++
**Announcement and Call for Papers : Videometrics II**
7-10 September 1993
Hynes Convention Center, Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Videometrics II is part of SPIE's International Symposium on Optical
Tools for Manufacturing and Advanced Automation
The Symposium includes 28 Conferences on topics covering the above theme
including : sensor and controls for manufacturing, machine vision applications,
industrial optical sensing and metrology, optics, illumination and image
sensing for machine vision, and Videometrics.
The topics specifically covered by Videometrics II are the use of
computer vision techniques for dimensional metrology applications,
such as gauging, reverse engineering, accurate positioning, tracking,
and navigation of objects and robots.
Sessions will concentrate on the following areas, although papers on
other related topics are also encouraged :
* camera and system calibration
* robust algorithms and systems
* error sources and correction techniques
* target and edge measurement/digitizing to subpixel accuracy
* knowledge-based feature extraction and dimension measurement techniques
* surface object reconstruction and scene understanding
* accuracy and performance evaluation
* dynamic tracking in 3D
* successfully demonstrated system applications
Conference Chair : Sabry El-Hakim, NRC, Canada (
Cochairs : Armin Gruen, ETH, Switzerland; Mark Shortis, University of
Melbourne, Australia; Walt Snow, NASA Langley, USA; Glen Southworth,
Colarado Video, USA; Kam Wong, University of Illinois, USA.
**Abstract due date : 8 February 1993**
** Manuscript due date : 9 August 1993**
Abstracts may be submitted to :
SPIE, P.O. Box 10, Bellingham, WA 98227-0010, USA
Facsimile : +1-206-647-1445
Email : (send ASCII format text)
Four copies of the abstract must be submitted and should include the
following information :
Abstract title
Author and affiliation listing as they will appear in the program
Correspondence addresses of all authors
Conference title and chair
Preference for oral or poster presentation
Text of the abstract (500 words)
Biography of the principal author (50-100 words)
In view of the short time available until abstracts are due, you are
strongly encouraged to submit via fax or email!
__________________________________________________ __________________
Dr. Mark R. Shortis,
Senior Lecturer,
Dept. of Surveying and Land Information,
University of Melbourne, Telephone +613 344 6401
Parkville 3052, AUSTRALIA. Facsimile +613 347 2916
"Against stupidity, the gods themselves contend in vain" : I. Asimov
Newsgroups: sci.image.processing
Subject: Videometrics II CFP
Date: 11 Jan 1993 13:43:34 GMT
Organization: University of Melbourne, Dpt of Surveying and Land Information
Lines: 69
Dear Biomch-L subscribers,
Yet another announcement of a conference on machine vision and
digital image analysis (cross-posted from sci.image.processing).
Closer to home this one (for most people).
-- Ton van den Bogert, Biomch-L co-moderator
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++
**Announcement and Call for Papers : Videometrics II**
7-10 September 1993
Hynes Convention Center, Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Videometrics II is part of SPIE's International Symposium on Optical
Tools for Manufacturing and Advanced Automation
The Symposium includes 28 Conferences on topics covering the above theme
including : sensor and controls for manufacturing, machine vision applications,
industrial optical sensing and metrology, optics, illumination and image
sensing for machine vision, and Videometrics.
The topics specifically covered by Videometrics II are the use of
computer vision techniques for dimensional metrology applications,
such as gauging, reverse engineering, accurate positioning, tracking,
and navigation of objects and robots.
Sessions will concentrate on the following areas, although papers on
other related topics are also encouraged :
* camera and system calibration
* robust algorithms and systems
* error sources and correction techniques
* target and edge measurement/digitizing to subpixel accuracy
* knowledge-based feature extraction and dimension measurement techniques
* surface object reconstruction and scene understanding
* accuracy and performance evaluation
* dynamic tracking in 3D
* successfully demonstrated system applications
Conference Chair : Sabry El-Hakim, NRC, Canada (
Cochairs : Armin Gruen, ETH, Switzerland; Mark Shortis, University of
Melbourne, Australia; Walt Snow, NASA Langley, USA; Glen Southworth,
Colarado Video, USA; Kam Wong, University of Illinois, USA.
**Abstract due date : 8 February 1993**
** Manuscript due date : 9 August 1993**
Abstracts may be submitted to :
SPIE, P.O. Box 10, Bellingham, WA 98227-0010, USA
Facsimile : +1-206-647-1445
Email : (send ASCII format text)
Four copies of the abstract must be submitted and should include the
following information :
Abstract title
Author and affiliation listing as they will appear in the program
Correspondence addresses of all authors
Conference title and chair
Preference for oral or poster presentation
Text of the abstract (500 words)
Biography of the principal author (50-100 words)
In view of the short time available until abstracts are due, you are
strongly encouraged to submit via fax or email!
__________________________________________________ __________________
Dr. Mark R. Shortis,
Senior Lecturer,
Dept. of Surveying and Land Information,
University of Melbourne, Telephone +613 344 6401
Parkville 3052, AUSTRALIA. Facsimile +613 347 2916
"Against stupidity, the gods themselves contend in vain" : I. Asimov