Tuesday April 11, 2001
Postdoctoral fellowship positions are currently available at the Human
Research Centre, Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada.
We are seeking applicants with (or who will soon have) an earned M.D. or Ph.D
in Biochemistry, Chemical Engineering, Computing Science, Electrical and
Computer Engineering, Epidemiology, Mechanical Engineering, Medicine, or
Rehabilitation Therapy.
The Human Mobility Research Centre (HMRC) brings together a world-class
team of
over twenty researchers to improve human mobility through the development of
innovative and effective treatment strategies for bone and joint disorders
caused by arthritis, osteoporosis, and injury. HMRC is a Queen's University
research centre located in Kingston General Hospital. This unique setting
provides opportunities for university faculty, health care professionals, and
students to engage in collaborative, interdisciplinary musculoskeletal
research. The Centre is being funded through a series of grants from the
Provincial and Federal governments totalling over $12 M. This has provided the
equipment, space, technical and administrative support for research projects
funded through NSERC, CIHR, the Arthritis Society, the Canadian Arthritis
Network, and a broad range of industrial contracts.
The Centre's research program is focused on developing early detection and
early intervention approaches and technologies to treat arthritis,
osteoporosis, and bone and joint injuries using a strategy that integrates
mechanical design, biological approaches, and information technologies and
brings together internationally recognized researchers from the following
· Arthritis
· Biomechanics
· Connective tissue biochemistry
· Clinical studies
· Epidemiology
· Image-guided surgery
· Medical instrument design
· Orthopaedics
· Osteoporosis
· Prosthesis design
· Rehabilitation
· Structural drug delivery
Applicants should submit a CV and three references to:
Kari Hurst
Administrative Assistant
Human Mobility Research Centre
Syl and Molly Apps Wing, Angada 1
Kingston General Hospital
Kingston, ON K7L 2V7
fax: (613) 549-2529
e-mail: hurstk@post.queensu.ca
website: http://www.queensu.ca/HMRC
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Carolyn F. Small, PhD, PEng
Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering
Professor, Department of Surgery
Queen's University Phone (613) 533-2581
Kingston, Ontario FAX (613) 533-6489
Canada K7L 3N6 small@me.queensu.ca
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