>Again, we need to re-phrase the question. Why
>does the bird have such a long foot, and why does
>it walk with such a small portion of the foot in
>contact with the ground?

I would suggest that rephrasing the question to ask why humans and birds
have a particular ratio among their leg bones is a good way to approach
it. As such, these papers might be of interest.

Garland T Jr, Janis CM. 1993. Does metatarsal/femur ratio predict maximal
running speed in
cursorial mammals? Journal of Zoology, London 229: 133–151.
Gatesy SM. 1991. Hind limb scaling in birds and other theropods:
implications for terrestrial
locomotion. Journal of Morphology 209: 83–96.


Dan Ferris, Ph.D.
Department of Electrical Engineering
University of Washington
Box 352500
Seattle, WA 98195-2500

Fax: (206) 543-3842
Phone: (206) 616-4936
Alt. Phone: (206) 277-6358



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