sponsored by the Helen Gill Lindner Memorial Fund
September 18-20
Biltmore Hotel, Los Angeles, California, USA
U.S. Diving invites Sport Science/Medicine abstracts to be submitted that
relate to the sport of competitive diving and dry land
training/conditioning for competitive diving. Send abstracts (minimum 300
words) that contain results along with title, author, author's address and
phone to:
Janet L. Gabriel, ISHOF, One Hall of Fame Drive, Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33316
(305) 462-6536 (305)525-4031 FAX
1. March 1, 1993 Deadline for receipt of abstract
2. March 15, 1993 Notification to submit article
3. May 1, 1993 Article due
4. June 1, 1993 Peer review completed
5. July 1, 1993 Final changes completed
6. Sept. 18, 1993 Seminar proceedings distributed
Please direct all inquiries to Ms. Gabriel, the poster of this announcement
is not affiliated with this event.
sponsored by the Helen Gill Lindner Memorial Fund
September 18-20
Biltmore Hotel, Los Angeles, California, USA
U.S. Diving invites Sport Science/Medicine abstracts to be submitted that
relate to the sport of competitive diving and dry land
training/conditioning for competitive diving. Send abstracts (minimum 300
words) that contain results along with title, author, author's address and
phone to:
Janet L. Gabriel, ISHOF, One Hall of Fame Drive, Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33316
(305) 462-6536 (305)525-4031 FAX
1. March 1, 1993 Deadline for receipt of abstract
2. March 15, 1993 Notification to submit article
3. May 1, 1993 Article due
4. June 1, 1993 Peer review completed
5. July 1, 1993 Final changes completed
6. Sept. 18, 1993 Seminar proceedings distributed
Please direct all inquiries to Ms. Gabriel, the poster of this announcement
is not affiliated with this event.