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June 27 - July 1, 2001, Snowbird, Utah
The final program for the 2001 Summer Bioengineering Conference has now
been posted as an Acrobat PDF document on the conference website at
Please take a moment to download it and view it.
For those looking for potential roommates at the conference to share
expenses, we have added a "Roommate Bulletin" to our conference web site
which can be accessed by clicking on "Roommate Bulletin" at
This site will allow you to list yourself or make connections with
others looking for roommates.
Below you will find a copy of our earlier e-mail to authors regarding
podium and poster presentations.
We look forward to seeing you in Snowbird!
Gerard A. Ateshian
Information Chair
2001 Summer Bioengineering Conference
Dear Author:
The following is an update for presenters.
For those of you who are giving oral presentations: You have 15 minutes
for your talk, followed by 5 minutes of questions/discussion. The
moderators will be keeping very tight to this schedule, so please take
every effort to prepare and practice your talk to remain on time.
Options for audio visual in each room are one overhead projector, one
35mm slide projector (no dual projection available), and one LCD
computer projector.
If you plan to use computer projection: You must bring your own laptop
computer to plug directly into the LCD projector that will be available
in each room. As you may know, there are times when computer projection
works great and times when it doesn’t. The organizing committee of the
meeting will not allow LCD projection to interfere with the meeting
schedule. Therefore, every speaker using LCD is required to bring
transparencies as a back-up, and understand that in the event of a
problem that begins to eat into your time, you will move forward with
transparencies. All time spent trying to get the LCD projection to
work, regardless of who is to blame, will be taken from your
presentation time. Each room will be assigned a student who is
knowledgeable with the equipment who will help you set up. Prior to
your session, it is important for each speaker to confirm that their
presentation works in the speaker ready room and for you to check your
connection in your specific presentation room because the hardware in
each room may be different.
For those of you who are giving poster presentations: Your poster should
be 4 foot by 4 foot (120 cm by 120 cm) maximum; 3.5 foot (105 cm)
horizontal dimension is recommended. You will need to put up your
poster by 8 a.m. on the morning of your poster day and take your poster
down by 8 p.m. that same day. If your poster remains up after 8 p.m.,
it may be taken down and discarded. Numbered poster boards
(corresponding to your poster number) will be set up prior to the
meeting. You should bring your own push pins. In addition, please be
reminded that, at the beginning of the poster session, each poster
presenter will give a one minute oral presentation on their paper in
regular session rooms. This time limit will be strictly enforced. LCD
projection will not be allowed for these mini-presentations, overhead
projectors only will be available. A maximum of 3 overheads is
Lou Soslowsky
Local Arrangements Chair
2001 Summer Bioengineering Conference
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