Position Announcement - Motion Lab Engineer
The Human Movement Disorders Laboratory (previously known as the
Biomechanics Laboratory) of the National Institutes of Health has an
immediate need for a dynamic, highly-skilled movement analysis laboratory
engineer. The Human Movement Disorders Section is one of three Sections in
the new Physical Disabilities Branch located in the world's largest clinical
research facility - the Warren Grant Magnuson Clinical Center. The Human
Movement Disorders (HMD) Section has an outstanding history of technology
development, translational research, and clinical applications in the field
of human movement analysis for rehabilitation research and patient care.
Having recently obtained Branch status, the Section is now developing the
infrastructure to support a significantly expanded research mission that
requires ongoing support for extensive human subject testing. As a part of
this expansion, the Human Movement Disorders Section is preparing to
transition into a new state-of-the-art facility in the new Mark O. Hatfield
Clinical Research Center - see http://www.cc.nih.gov/ccc/crc/ and
Summary of duties:
This position is located in the Human Movement Disorders Section of the
Physical Disabilities Branch at the NIH. The HMD Laboratory Engineer will
perform a variety of procedures including:
* Serve as an instrumentation, methods and applications expert in the area
of motion capture and analysis for rehabilitation research and patient care
* Maintain and support the laboratory's existing and future motion capture
and analysis systems which currently include: a seven camera Vicon optical
motion capture system, 3 AMTI Force Platforms, 10 Channel Motion Lab System
EMG unit and a PEDAR foot pressure measurement system.
* Be responsible for the technical execution and quality of all basic,
applied, and clinical data collection and analysis procedures.
* Assist with the development, testing, implementation, and dissemination of
exciting new motion capture and analysis methods.
* Coordinate the development, testing, and implementation of new
instrumentation (e.g., overhead safety harness system, position adjustable
force plate mounting system and templates, instrumented seating and stair
systems, etc.) required to complete our expansion into the new Clinical
Research Center.
* Play an active role as an application/test engineer on our ongoing
software development team and be capable of integrating approved
developments into research and clinical testing activities.
* Develop and implement instructional materials for effectively training
students, interns, fellows and visiting scientists on proper motion capture
and analysis methods and procedures and routinely provide in-service
training and support for newly established methods and procedures.
* Serve as an active contributing member on a number of diverse,
multidisciplinary research teams.
Minimum qualification requirements:
* A demonstrated desire and commitment to the implementation of clinical
movement analysis in a rehabilitation research and patient care setting is
* Outstanding interpersonal, communication, and time management skills are
* A bachelor's degree, masters preferred, in bioengineering, biomechanics,
kinesiology, physical therapy or other related fields demonstrating
sufficient technical experience and expertise will be considered.
* Demonstrable experience and expertise working with optical motion capture
and analysis systems is required.
* Computer programming experience (C, C++, Visual C++, Visual Basic) is
preferred but not required.
Please send the following information:
1) A letter detailing your experience, knowledge, skills, abilities, and
goals in the area of clinical movement analysis.
2) A current resume
3) The names and contact information of three references
Direct application materials and inquiries to:
Ms. Susan Bender
Physical Disabilities Branch
Building 10 Room 6s235
National Institutes of Health
10 Center Dr. MSC 1604
Bethesda, MD 20892-1604
(301) 496-9415 (phone)
(301) 480-9896 (fax)
Susan_Bender@NIH.GOV (Email)
Applicant screening will commence immediately and this position is expected
to remain open until filled.
The salary and benefit levels such as travel and training are negotiable.
Foreign candidates will be considered provided they can meet the required
visa status.
The National Institutes of Health is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action
To unsubscribe send SIGNOFF BIOMCH-L to LISTSERV@nic.surfnet.nl
For information and archives: http://isb.ri.ccf.org/biomch-l
The Human Movement Disorders Laboratory (previously known as the
Biomechanics Laboratory) of the National Institutes of Health has an
immediate need for a dynamic, highly-skilled movement analysis laboratory
engineer. The Human Movement Disorders Section is one of three Sections in
the new Physical Disabilities Branch located in the world's largest clinical
research facility - the Warren Grant Magnuson Clinical Center. The Human
Movement Disorders (HMD) Section has an outstanding history of technology
development, translational research, and clinical applications in the field
of human movement analysis for rehabilitation research and patient care.
Having recently obtained Branch status, the Section is now developing the
infrastructure to support a significantly expanded research mission that
requires ongoing support for extensive human subject testing. As a part of
this expansion, the Human Movement Disorders Section is preparing to
transition into a new state-of-the-art facility in the new Mark O. Hatfield
Clinical Research Center - see http://www.cc.nih.gov/ccc/crc/ and
Summary of duties:
This position is located in the Human Movement Disorders Section of the
Physical Disabilities Branch at the NIH. The HMD Laboratory Engineer will
perform a variety of procedures including:
* Serve as an instrumentation, methods and applications expert in the area
of motion capture and analysis for rehabilitation research and patient care
* Maintain and support the laboratory's existing and future motion capture
and analysis systems which currently include: a seven camera Vicon optical
motion capture system, 3 AMTI Force Platforms, 10 Channel Motion Lab System
EMG unit and a PEDAR foot pressure measurement system.
* Be responsible for the technical execution and quality of all basic,
applied, and clinical data collection and analysis procedures.
* Assist with the development, testing, implementation, and dissemination of
exciting new motion capture and analysis methods.
* Coordinate the development, testing, and implementation of new
instrumentation (e.g., overhead safety harness system, position adjustable
force plate mounting system and templates, instrumented seating and stair
systems, etc.) required to complete our expansion into the new Clinical
Research Center.
* Play an active role as an application/test engineer on our ongoing
software development team and be capable of integrating approved
developments into research and clinical testing activities.
* Develop and implement instructional materials for effectively training
students, interns, fellows and visiting scientists on proper motion capture
and analysis methods and procedures and routinely provide in-service
training and support for newly established methods and procedures.
* Serve as an active contributing member on a number of diverse,
multidisciplinary research teams.
Minimum qualification requirements:
* A demonstrated desire and commitment to the implementation of clinical
movement analysis in a rehabilitation research and patient care setting is
* Outstanding interpersonal, communication, and time management skills are
* A bachelor's degree, masters preferred, in bioengineering, biomechanics,
kinesiology, physical therapy or other related fields demonstrating
sufficient technical experience and expertise will be considered.
* Demonstrable experience and expertise working with optical motion capture
and analysis systems is required.
* Computer programming experience (C, C++, Visual C++, Visual Basic) is
preferred but not required.
Please send the following information:
1) A letter detailing your experience, knowledge, skills, abilities, and
goals in the area of clinical movement analysis.
2) A current resume
3) The names and contact information of three references
Direct application materials and inquiries to:
Ms. Susan Bender
Physical Disabilities Branch
Building 10 Room 6s235
National Institutes of Health
10 Center Dr. MSC 1604
Bethesda, MD 20892-1604
(301) 496-9415 (phone)
(301) 480-9896 (fax)
Susan_Bender@NIH.GOV (Email)
Applicant screening will commence immediately and this position is expected
to remain open until filled.
The salary and benefit levels such as travel and training are negotiable.
Foreign candidates will be considered provided they can meet the required
visa status.
The National Institutes of Health is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action
To unsubscribe send SIGNOFF BIOMCH-L to LISTSERV@nic.surfnet.nl
For information and archives: http://isb.ri.ccf.org/biomch-l