Can someone who uses "Biometrics Ltd."
electrogoniometeres with "Labview" share their code?
We are trying to collect data with the goniometers
simutaneously with EMG collected through a "National
Instruments" A/D board. We are interested in the code
that either uses the dynamics data exchange with the
DataLINK software or reads the goniometers signal from
a serial port. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Thank you
Laura Stanley
Industrial & Management Engineering
Biomechanics/Ergonomics-Graduate Offices Roberts Hall
electrogoniometeres with "Labview" share their code?
We are trying to collect data with the goniometers
simutaneously with EMG collected through a "National
Instruments" A/D board. We are interested in the code
that either uses the dynamics data exchange with the
DataLINK software or reads the goniometers signal from
a serial port. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Thank you
Laura Stanley
Industrial & Management Engineering
Biomechanics/Ergonomics-Graduate Offices Roberts Hall