Hi everyone;
Thanks for all who responded to my question, I appreciate your prompt
response. I am posting a summary of the helpful responses. For the software
suggested by some, like materialise and geomagic, these are very expansive and
we can afford it, I apprecaiate if anyone has it would volunteer to convert the
CT files for me. The only software I may be able to have access to is ANALYZE
which I will try to apply the advices sent to me.
I will also post the result of any trial that works based on any of the
suggestions given.
I had experience in this field about my thesis for importing
MRI images in IGES format to ANSYS. I just know that I could
import 2D sections to ANSYS.
You can do this by importing 2d sections of your images to
Autocad Ver. 12 and by exporting IGES files to ANSYS you must
define all curves, surfaces and volumes and ....
If you have additional information I will help you encouragely.
Alireza Jalayer Alireza ar_jalayer@yahoo.com
Plamen Raykov raykov@bgcict.acad.bg
What you might like to do is try using a software program called AMIRA. This
code can be downloaded on trial from their web page (www.tgs.com) and can be
used to both segment the CT data and then use these contours to generate a
surface mesh of the anatomy.
Let me know how it goes,
Andrew Andrew Hopkins andrew.hopkins@ic.ac.uk
Hi Azza
I am sending you 4 slides that I will refer to.
I f you are creating only one model than automatic
detection technique would be wasting of time to try to
get it working.
You can download Scion Image for free from the
Internet. Outline edges like on the slide. Use less
points than on the picture. Record x-y coordinates of
the points. Each cross section has to consist of two
splines in order to use ASKIN command. So you draw 2
vertical lines, one in the tibia and one on the
fibula. These have to be at a constant distance from
the left edge so that when you create volume, the
volume will be nice and not crooked.
Then, I used MATLAB to read these coordinates and
write code for ANSYS.
I'll try to explain the sequence on a file
"Fibula_prog_S2000.m". (Note that I wrote it first for
Talus). So let say you outlined all your cross
sections and saved them so that the z-coordinate is in
the name of the file and one of your files is called
"can_f98.txt" (98 means z=98mm). You create a list of
all your cross sections in "Fibula_list.txt". Then you
can run the "Fibula_prog_S2000.m" program that will
write commands for ANSYS and create a separate file
for each cross section "cs_fib#.inp" and write one
file "Fibula_S2000.inp" that you can run in ANSYS and
it will stack all your cross sections.
The femur was created from imported IGES cross
The original cross section were all parallel, creating
problems in the bifurcation. I was not able to create
volumes. So I recut areas under an angle (slide3).
Once you create volumes only cross sections outlining
the volumes are kept, the internal ones are deleted.
So you actually see outlines of 4 volumes.
Hope it helps. You most probably will have more
Karol Galik
Dr. Mahmoud,
I had the same problem and something is still unclear.
I use ANALYZE AVW v3.0 to handle CT data. This software can generate
surface model and output in IGES format. Actually, it is partly IGES
file since only 'point cloud' are included in the output file. I tried
ANSYS student version but it can not read it. I do not know whether the
commercial version works. Please try it if you can. If it works, please
let me know.
Linping Zhao linping.zhao@marquette.edu
Hi Azza,
Materialise software will do that. Visit www.materialise.com.
Good luck!
Rajshree Mootanah
Bioengineering Research Group - DaCS
Anglia Polytechnic University
Tel: (44) 1245 493131 ext 3316 / 3028
Fax: (44) 1245 252646
Raj Mootanah
Go check out www.materialise.com
And the Medical link to Mimics. I think that will be of interest to you.
Mimics interfaces between scanner data (CT, MRI, Technical scanner,...)
and Rapid Prototyping, CAD or Finite Element analysis. The Mimics software
is an image-processing package with 3D visualisation functions that
interfaces with all common scanner formats.
And I'm almost sure it works with ANSYS.
Hope that helps.
Priya Radhakrishnan
University of Illinois at Chicago
Hi Azza,
I've done what you're suggeting below... I used software from
public.kitware.com to build a triangular surface mesh of the bone and then
use AutoCad to convert this from .stl format to IGES format - this imports
straight into Ansys...
Hope this helps,
Goodwin Lawlor goodwin.lawlor@ucd.ie
Dear Dr. Azza Mahmoud,
please, consult the following address:
Perhaps this software can be useful in your work.
Best Regards,
AACD - Laboratorio de Marcha labmarcha@aacd.org.br
I don't have the software, but I suggest you contact David B. Thomas
Marketing Communications Manager
919.474.0129 media@geomagic.com
tell him you are a local researcher at NCSU and that you have an infrequent
need for their type of geometry translation,
but that you would be willing to cooperate on a GEOMAGIC case study or
testimonial on your project if
they would help.
I would think that he might be willing to do it for free in-house if it led
to a marketing opportunity!
also, let me know what type of data do you have ?
surface point clouds, or is it a tessellated surface of triangles or
rectangles ??
Michael W. Hiller
In2 Solutions, Inc.
Azza Mahmoud, Ph.D.
Department of Clinical Sciences
School of Veterinary Medicine, NCSU
Box 8401, Raleigh, NC
Tel: (919) 513-6376
E-mail: Azza_MAhmoud@ncsu.edu ---------------------------------------
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