Position: Biomechanics
Salary: According to government regulation
Rank: Assistant/Associate/Full Professor (tenure track)
Starting Date: February 2002 (negotiable)

1. Earned doctorate with emphasis in Biomechanics, or closely related field.
2. Active research record related to either
* Cell/tissue engineering, molecular biomechanics or
* Human performance, injury mechanisms, or related area.
3. Post-doctoral appointment and extramural funding experience desirable.
4. Teaching experience in higher education preferred.
5. Demonstrated commitment to related scholarly/professional organizations.

1. Instruct graduate students in the area of Biomechanics.
2. Direct and advise graduate students in Biomechanics.
3. Direct laboratory and supervise assistant researcher.
4. Develop and maintain an active research program; seek extramural funding.
5. Engage in university and scholarly/professional service activities.

The National Cheng Kung University (NCKU) is a research university with the strongest
engineering college in Taiwan. Bioegineering is a key reseach field fully supported
through the intensive collaboration between medical and engineering faculty. The
Institute of Biomedical Engineering offers MS/PhD degrees. A multidisciplinary
biengineering MS/PhD degree is offered to students who include, among others,
engineers, medical doctors, and practicing allied health professionals (e.g., OT, PT, RN).
Departmental instructional/research facilities include Biomechanics, Human
Movement/Motor Control, biomaterial Testing, Assitive Technology, Image Processing,
Signal Processing, Functional Electrical Stimulation, Ultrasound, BioMEMS and
Biosensor. The Biomechanics Laboratory has the following equipment:
* MTS system, impact device, high speed film camera
* electromagnetic and video motion analysis systems, telemetry EMG, 4 force
plates, plantar pressure sensors, accelerators, biaxial x-ray system and 2-axis
* 3 atomic force microscopes

Applicants should forward a letter of application, curriculum vitae, three letters of
reference, and copies of recent, representative published research papers (up to three) to

Dr. Fong-Chin Su, Director
Institute of Biomedical Engineering
National Cheng Kung University
Tainan, TAIWAN 701
Telephone: 886-6-2757575 ext 63401 FAX: 886-6-2343270
Email: fcsu@mail.bme.ncku.edu.tw
URL: http://www.bme.ncku.edu.tw/
Fong-Chin Su, Ph.D.
Professor & Director TEL: +886 6 2760665
Institute of Biomedical Engineering FAX: +886 6 2343270
National Cheng Kung University E-Mail: fcsu@mail.ncku.edu.tw
Tainan, 701 TAIWAN http://www.bme.ncku.edu.tw/

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