We are currently seeking graduate students to join our studies examining
neural control of limb dynamics. Applications for Fall 2002 admissions and
financial aid are now being accepted for the Masters and Ph.D. degree

The Department:

The Penn State Kinesiology program is one of the most rigorous movement
science programs in the United States. We have world renowned researchers in
almost every area of human movement science. Students in our program benefit
from the rich, educational environment in the department of Kinesiology at
Penn State. In addition to direct mentorship with Dr. Robert Sainburg, the
applicant will benefit from collaborators, including Dr. Mark Latash and Dr.
John Challis, and Dr. David Rosenbaum. Frequently, our seminar series invite
world renowned researchers to Penn State. In addition, our research
environment includes : The Center for Locomotion Studies (CELOS) under the
directiorship of Dr. Peter Cavanagh, the Biomechanics Laboratory, directed
by Dr. Vladmir Zatsiorsky, the Motor Control Laboratory, directed by Dr.
Mark Latash, the Action Laboratory, directed by Dr. Dagmar Sternad, the
Psychophysiology of movement Laboratory, directed by Dr. Semyon Slobounov,
Dr. Karl Newell's Motor Control and Learning Laboratory, the Sensorimotor
Development Laboratory of Dr. Jan Visser, Dr. David Rosenbaum's Laboratory
(Psychology Department), and the world renowned Noll Physiology

The Movement Neuroscience Laboratory:

The Movement Neuroscience Laboratory is located within the Kinesiology
department at The Pennsylvania State University. Our research program is
focused on discerning the neural mechanisms underlying control of multijoint
reaching movements in humans. Specifically, two major limbs of our research
address the roles of proprioception and vision in planning and executing
reaching movements, and the neural foundations of handedness. Our techniques
employ both psychophysical experiments and biomechanical simulations to
determine the neural processes underlying control of the complex mechanics
of the musculoskeletal system. The laboratory is equipped for 3-Dimensional
kinematic recordings, electromyographic recordings, and force/torque
transducer recordings for isometric studies. We are currently implementing a
robot arm manipulandum for studies employing application of forces to the
arm during movement. Our laboratory has several high-end computer
workstations for computational simulations. Custom software, developed
within our laboratory, is used to interface this equipment.


Applications for admission and financial aid should be received by

the Graduate School Admissions Office no later than January 20, 2002. The
available assistantships are for approximately $11,000/year and include a
tuition remission. For admission of a student into the Motor Control Program
and the Movement Neuroscience Laboratory, the main considerations are: (a)
the course background of the student (science courses, including Physics,
Mathematics, Computer Science, Neuroscience, Anatomy, Physiology, etc.); (b)
the student's GRE scores, especially quantitative, and (c) the student's
record of interest in human movement science and academic performance in
related courses. Outstanding students from the biological and engineering
sciences are encouraged to apply. For more information about the program,
please visit our lab homepage at the address

Candidates should send a letter of interest to: Robert L. Sainburg, 266
Recreation Hall, University Park, PA 16802, Phone: (814) 865-7937, E-mail:

If you are seriously considering Graduate Work at Penn State, please request
Department and University information from:

Jennifer Parkes
Penn State University
Kinesiology Department
146 Recreation Building
University Park, PA 16802
e-mail: jgp4@psu.edu
(814) 863-0847
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Robert L. Sainburg, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Kinesiology, Physiology, and Neuroscience
Pennsylvania State University
266 Recreation Building
University Park PA 16802
Tel.: (814)-865-7937

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