Dear BIOMCH-L readers!
Back from ISB-XII, I thought that the appended posting from the SPORTPSY list
might also be of interest to BIOMCH-L. Following discussions about the list
during ISB-XII at UCLA, the membership for BIOMCH-L is now well over 100, in-
cluding one from Australia. At this time, all continents except South-America
have BIOMCH-L subscribers (where Singapore is taken as part of Asia).
Regards -- Herman J. Woltring.
Date: Mon, 10 Jul 89 10:23:51 EDT
Sender: Exercise and Sports Psychology
From: "Michael L. Sachs"
Greetings SPORTPSY members!
In reading the latest issue of UPDATE (newspaper of AAHPERD -
American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance), I
noticed an interesting job announcement:
"EXERCISE PSYCHOLOGIST: 1- to 2-year position to develop a
national health/fitness program for the YMCA of the USA.
Doctorate in exercise psychology or health psychology required
as well as excellent writing skills. Position entails developing
manuals, tests, and an incentive system. Relocation to Champaign,
Illinois, required. Non-smokers send cover letter and resume to
Personnel Director, YMCA Program Store, Box 5077, Champaign, IL
This looks like an exciting opportunity for someone. The
program is part of the overall operation of Human Kinetics Publishers, the
top sport sciences publishers in the world. Please circulate to your
colleagues or reply yourself if you're interested.
More exercise and sport psychology news as it appears. Hope
you're having a great summer.
Sincerely, your list leader,
Michael Sachs