
This notice involves three items regarding the International Society of
Biomechanics in Sports; 1) membership, 2) upcoming elections, and 3) 2001
proceedings from the recent San Francisco meeting.

1. Persons wishing information related to becoming a member of the ISBS,
may go to the society's website
and follow the "Membership" link.

2. It is now time for ISBS members to nominate individuals for the upcoming
election of officers to fill the following positions (terms):

1 President Elect, (2003-2005)
1 Vice President of Projects and Research, (2002-2004)
1 Vice President of Publications, (2002-2004)
1 Vice President of Public Relations, (2002-2004)
10 Board Members (2002-2004)

All nominations should be sent to as soon as

3. The proceedings of the ISBS 2001 meeting in San Francisco now have ISBN
numbers. Please use the following numbers for the books of proceedings.

ISBS Oral Sessions = ISBN 0-9715218-0-8

ISBS Poster Sessions = ISBN 0-9715218-1-6

ISBS Swim Session = ISBN 0-9715218-2-4

Proceedings of the Fifth National Symposium on Teaching Biomechanics in
Sports = ISBN 0-9715218-3-2
================================================== ==================================
John Blackwell
ISBS Secretary General

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