Dear subscribers,
You probably have noticed that my posting of Oct 23 was
distributed again last Saturday. This was due to a malfunctioning
mail server at, which was sending messages back to the
list. We are trying to fix the problem, but it may happen again.
Ton van den Bogert, Biomch-L co-moderator
P.S. Please do not reply to this address, I only use it to
prevent further re-postings.
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For information and archives:
You probably have noticed that my posting of Oct 23 was
distributed again last Saturday. This was due to a malfunctioning
mail server at, which was sending messages back to the
list. We are trying to fix the problem, but it may happen again.
Ton van den Bogert, Biomch-L co-moderator
P.S. Please do not reply to this address, I only use it to
prevent further re-postings.
Do You Yahoo!?
Make a great connection at Yahoo! Personals.
To unsubscribe send SIGNOFF BIOMCH-L to
For information and archives: