Dear BIOMCH-L subscribers,

Few days ago, I send a question about anthropometric data of the foot.

The original message:
I'm searching anthropometric data of the foot. I would like to have the
position of the lateral malleolus relative the total length of the foot or
relative to another landmark of the foot (e.g. the most posterior point of the
heel or the distal point of the 2nd metetarsal). Do you know a reference
about it ?

The responses:

From: Dr Masaaki MOCHIMARU, Ph.D.
Digital Human Laboratory, National Institute of
Advanced Industrial Science and Technology

We have been studied foot morphology in 3D.
But these data are based on the Japanese population.

These data are refered from the following data book:
Human Body Dimensions Data for Ergohomic Design
National Institute of Bioscience and Human Technology ed.
1996 published from Nippon Shuppan Service, Tokyo

>From Dr. Timothy M. Bach, PhD
Associate Professor in Biomechanics and Head of Department
National Centre for Prosthetics and Orthotics
La Trobe University, Australia

Bach, T. M. (1994) A Computer Simulation of Swing Phase in Human Walking with Application to Optimization of Inertial Characteristics of Transfemoral Limb Prostheses. Unpublished PhD Thesis. La Trobe University, Melbourne.

>From Dr William R. Ledoux, Ph.D.
VA Puget Sound, Seattle

This information is available from the United States Army Natick Research, Development and Engineering Center. They have a Technical Report (Natick/TR-92/028) entitled Anthropometry of the foot and lower leg of U.S. Army Soldiers: Fort Jackson, SC -- 1985 by Kenneth Parham, Claire C. Gordon, and Carolyn K. Bensel.

>From Dr Jim Funk, Ph.D.
University of Virginia Automobile Safety Laboratory

Some detailed foot anthropometric data were published in:

Crandall, J.R., Portier, L., Petit, P., Hall, G.W., Bass, C.R., Klopp, G.S., Hurwitz, S.R., Pilkey, W.D., Trosseille, X., Tarriere, C., Lassau, J.-P. Biomechanical Response and Physical Properties of the Leg, Foot, and Ankle, Proc 40th Stapp Car Crash Conf, SAE paper 962424, pp. 173-192, 1996.

This paper lists an average lateral malleolus height of 7.2 cm from head to floor and 6.9 cm from tip to floor. The average foot length was 24.4 cm, and the average distance from the heel to the head of the lateral malleolus was 6.6 cm.

Thank you very much. I greatly appreciate your help.

Danik Lafond, M.Sc.
Ph.D. candidate
Department of Kinesiology
University of Montreal, Quebec

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