This notice is provided courtesy of the Biomch-L. Attached is a recent update to
the Biomechanics Yellow Pages (BYP), a free, volunteer maintained site. For more
information about the BYP, please see below.

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Leuven, Belgium

Based on a many years' experience in the field of ergonomics, revalidation and
medicine, from individualized spinal drill guides to office chairs, CUSTOM8
designs products that fit the customer. Furthermore CUSTOM8 draws from a wide
range of designing tools, programming skills and visualisation techniques to
provide to companies the information they need to gain a clear insight into
value-added product customisation, a consequence of automated production and
intelligent web-based marketing.

Strongly linked to the Division of Biomechanics and Engineering Design and the
University Hospitals of the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, CUSTOM8 holds a
durable research base, which is needed to continuously modernize the bridge
between engineering and medicine.

Contact: Karel Van Brussel
Position: Managing Director
Address: 26 Riddersstraat
B-3000 Leuven, Belgium
Phone: +32-16327057
Fax: +32-16327994
Last Update: 10/29/2001

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The BYP lists companies that offer biomechanics-related products and services.
As you know, these companies may not post commercial announcements directly to
Biomch-L. However, new BYP listings and updates (no more than once per year)
are posted to Biomch-L by the maintainer of the BYP or the Biomch-L moderator.

The yellow pages and information on how to submit can be found at

If you do not wish to view these notices, simply delete them or set up your
e-mail to filter these messages into a folder or automatically deleted. They all
begin with "Biomech YP Update-".

If you are interested in maintaining the BYP, please contact

Joy Kocar
Engineered documentation for the Medical Device/Biomed/Biotech communities

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