Dear All,

I would be most grateful if you could please bring this advertisement to the
attention of your colleagues

Many thanks

Garth Johnson

University of Newcastle
Centre for Rehabilitation and Engineering Studies (CREST)

Post of Research Associate

We are currently seeking to appoint a Research Associate to join an
interdisciplinary team studying the biomechanical aspects of the measurement
of spasticity and related neurological impairments. The person appointed
will be expected to develop novel measurement techniques for use in the
clinical setting and to develop the appropriate mathematical models to
support this work. He/she will also be expected to play an active role in
the supervision of a postgraduate student currently working in the team.
The successful applicant will have a good (First Class or Upper Second)
Honours degree in engineering or a related subject and to have (or be about
to complete) a Higher Degree relevant to the research topic. The ability to
work in an interdisciplinary team and a clinical environment is essential.
The post is funded for a period of two years.
The Centre for Rehabilitation and Engineering Studies (CREST) is an
interdisciplinary research group within the Faculties of Engineering and
Medicine. The current research portfolio is concentrated on upper limb
biomechanics and associated aspects of neurological disability, particularly
spasticity. The research is funded by Research Councils, European Union,
Charities and Industry. There is a well equipped biomechanics laboratory in
the Engineering Building and a clinical laboratory based in Hunters Moor
Hospital, our major clinical partner.
For more information on our research please go to:
Salary: Research Associate 1A: £17626 - £20267
Applications and Enquiries to:

Professor Garth Johnson
Centre for Rehabilitation and Engineering Studies (CREST)
Dept of Mechanical, Materials and Manufacturing Engineering
Stephenson Building
Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 7RU

Tel: +44-(0)191-222-6196
Mob: +44-(0)7946-844969
Fax: +44-(0)191-222-8600

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