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Sport Biomechanist required in New Zealand
Established in 2000, the New Zealand Academy of Sport supports
athletes and their coaches by providing applied services through a
nationwide network of regionally based academies based in Auckland,
Wellington, and Dunedin.
The Academy is committed to the achievement of excellence in high
performance sport through an athlete focused, coach led, performance
driven and sport science supported culture. The responsibility for
high performance sport planning and the accountability for subsequent
results lies with the respective national sport organisations. The
Academy's role is to add value by taking a leadership role in support
of the programmes and initiatives of each sport to best enable the
high performance athletes and coaches to achieve international podium
The Academy in the Northern Region is a consortium involving Auckland
University of Technology, the Millennium Institute of Sport and
Health, the University of Auckland and the Waikato Institute of
Technology and is responsible for the area north of Taupo. The NZ
Academy of Sport Northern Region is contracted by the new Crown Entity
for recreation and sport to deliver applied services to athletes and
coaches for 28 carded national sport organisations.
The NZ Academy of Sport Northern Region seeks to recruit a full-time
Applied Biomechanist, who will perform biomechanical analyses for
carded athletes, including meeting with administrators, coaches and
athletes to explain services, collecting data, conducting analyses,
and presenting data and recommendations to coaches and athletes.
The position will be an employee of the NZ Academy of Sport Northern
Region and will be based at the Millennium Institute of Sport and
Health, but will also provide services from the other consortium
member locations and in the field.
Applications close 20 February 2002. For a position description and
to apply for the position, contact:
Alastair Snell - Chief Executive Officer
NZ Academy of Sport Northern Region
PO Box 18 444 Glen Innes
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