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Summary of Replies: Calculation of Mechanical Work and Power

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  • Summary of Replies: Calculation of Mechanical Work and Power

    Thanks to all who replied regarding my original query. The consensus is
    that power should be calculated from F*v. I also made an error by
    calculating work from F*d whereas I should have integrated F with
    respect to displacement. Others suggested that errors could be
    associated with the method of derivation and integration. Below is my
    original post followed by the reponses I received.


    Loren Chiu
    Graduate Assistant
    Exercise Biochemistry Laboratory
    Human Performance Laboratories
    The University of Memphis

    Biomech-L subscribers,

    I have a question about the mathematical calculation of mechanical work
    and power during resistance exercise.

    We have a set-up that involves using a force platform to measure force
    and a linear position transducer to measure displacement. All data are
    sampled at 500Hz.

    >From the vertical force data and the displacement data, we'd like to
    calculate mechanical work and power of the movement of the centre of
    mass. The question is which approach to use:

    1. Differentiate displacement wrt time to obtain velocity. Multiply
    force and velocity channels to obtain power. Integrate power wrt time
    to obtain work. Winter (1990) suggests this integration method to
    calculate work.


    2. Multiply force and displacement channels to obtain work.
    Differentiate work wrt time to obtain power.

    I've calculated work and power using both approaches and overlayed the
    respective curves (work-time(1) vs. work-time (2), etc.) and they do
    not replicate each other, indicating that the two approaches have
    different results.

    ************************************************** ***********************
    "D. Gordon E. Robertson, Ph.D."
    I am not sure how your displacement transducer operates but I use a
    platform to calculate displacement, velocity, work and power. The
    only works for movements that start statically, for example, vertical
    jumps, standing broad jumps, squats, etc. The equations operate in
    dimensions so you can even evaluate lateral movements. The theory is
    on single and double integration of the force signals. An important
    requirement is that the body weight of the person is calculated from a
    brief interval before the movement starts and when the person is
    motionless. The program also computes the projection height and takeoff
    velocity. We have tested it and it works for relatively small time
    intervals. If the person stands for too long the double integral (to
    obtain displacement) becomes unreasonably high. How high depends on the
    drift in your force platform and other factors (lab. vibrations, heat

    ************************************************** ***********************
    "Milad GA Ishac"
    Some of the difference is due the numerical techniques.

    Numerical differentiation is an approximation of the tangent at
    a point on
    a supposedly continious data. The tanget value depends on the relative
    of the data point with respect to the adjacent points. If all data
    are equally biased, the bias will have no effect on the result.

    On the other hand, integration value at a point is simply the
    summation of
    the segmented areas under the curve from an initial point to the
    point. If you take the data produced by the differentiation process and
    integrate it you should get, theoritically, the original data. However,
    is seldom the case. One source of error is due to the value of the
    condition. Another is due to accumulation of the errors inherited by the
    approximation used to obtain all the tangents at all points from the
    point to the current point.

    ************************************************** ***********************
    William Megill
    I'd be curious to know what others have to say. I've never bothered to
    look at option (1), I've just always gone with (2). Though I'm not
    with Winter's work (animal biomechanist/ecologist!), I'd be worried
    extra numerical steps - lots of potential to introduce/amplify noise. In
    theory, both approaches should be identical. My guess at your problem is
    either a syntax error (sorry to suggest it, but I've done that I don't
    how many times) or it's in the way you're doing the calculus (what
    are you using to differentiate, and more particularly to integrate -
    rule, trapezoidal, ... - they all introduce different levels of
    uncertainty. Do
    you have a filter - even a running average - in your system somewhere?
    That might be part of the problem.).

    ************************************************** ***********************
    "At Hof "
    In principle both methods should give the same results, BUT very
    often the displacement data are smoothened before differentiation,
    while the force data are not. This, and numerical inaccuracy in the
    differentiatin, may be the source of your problems.
    I could not make out what you measure the displacement of. Is it
    a point on the trunk, more or less representative for the whole body
    In any case, it may be a suggestion, to determine the velocity of
    the CoM from the acceleration, = ground reaction force/mass - g
    Ref: Cavagna, Force platforms as ergometers. J. appl. Physiol 39:
    174-179 (1985).

    ************************************************** ***********************
    "Heinz-Bodo Schmiedmayer"
    To get work you have to integrate F ds over the displacement to get
    work. Just multiplying the force and the displacement chanel is wrong!

    dW F ds
    P = ---- = ------ = F v
    dt dt

    W = | F ds with s0 and s1 being start and end displacements,

    (If F and ds and v are parallel)

    ************************************************** ***********************
    "Z. Hasan"
    The first method is correct (assuming you are measuring the component of
    force in the direction of the displacement).

    The second method gives you (d/dt) (f * x), which equals f * dx/dt + x *
    df/dt; only the first term represents power.

    ************************************************** ***********************
    "Aguinaldo, Arnel"
    The choice of which mechanical work calculation to use has been the
    of debate for quite some time now. There are about 4 or 5 approaches
    advocated (and disputed) by different people. Winter, as you know,
    using the integration of power to get mechanical work at the joints.
    similar approaches such as the one used to calculate the transfer of
    energies between joint segments rely on the assumption that the inertial
    properties of each segments are known, which can vary from person to
    Another problem with these approaches is the propagation of errors from
    kinematic data (ie, angular displacement and velocity) needed in these
    calculations, which can result in unreliable or inconsistent data. There
    a consensus, however, that different approaches will yield different

    We use the method proposed by Cavagna and his colleagues based on ground
    reaction forces. Since we are mainly interested in the mechanical work
    the body center-of-mass during various activities, we feel this method
    the most reliable because 1) none of the above assumptions are needed in
    calculation and 2) the results are primarily dependent on the accuracy
    the force platform measurements, which, safely to say, are highly
    The issue with this method is that it doesn't account for the work in
    individual segments. However, there is an extension of this which
    segmental mechanical work relative to the body COM based on kinematic

    So, it is not so much which approach is most "accurate," because no gold
    standard exists to compare the results of these various methods
    some have used metabolic energy as a basis of comparison), but mainly
    accurately a given parameter can be measured given the equipment that is
    available" (Burdett et al. JOR, 1(1), 1983). In the case of body COM
    mechanical work, force platforms are the key!

    ************************************************** ***********************
    Kevin Ness
    In your second method below I assume you ment that you integrated force
    with respect to displacement? Work is the definite integral of force
    respect to displacement - it only equals the product when the force is
    independent of displacement - which will NOT be so in your case.

    ************************************************** ***********************
    Nitin Moholkar
    The first way is correct. Multiply force and velocity to get power,
    then integrate to get work.

    The second way may be incorrect, depending on how you did the
    While work does equal force times distance, this is a simplification
    used when force is constant, or when you are using an average force.
    When force is changing, you need to integrate force with respect to
    position to get work as a function of time, W(t)=Integral(F(t)dx).
    (Sorry, I don't know how to make the integration symbol on Eudora.)
    This should give you work as a function of time, since Force is a
    function of time. When you take the derivative of this with respect
    to time, you will get the same power curve as when you multiply force
    and velocity.
    I think the first way is easier, though both should give correct

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