Hello to the group,

The research group at Children's Hospital - San Diego has recently begun
collaborative work with local universities in the area of finite element
modeling. We wish to use CT scans of femurs from normal and pathological
patients. As one of the inputs to the patient specific FE model, we need to
apply trabecular patterns from the scans. We have discussed using basic
image analysis software to determine density, alignment and angulation of
the trabeculae. However, this is an entirely new application for us and we
are a bit mystified on what software/packages exist to handle such
requirements. I have had little success reviewing the literature and
accessing biomch-l to determine potential solutions. My questions (simply
put) are:

(1) What previous techniques have people used to determine
alignment/angulation/density of trabecular bone from CT scans?

(2) Perhaps qualitatively, what has been the success of using such

(3) How laborious is this image analysis task?

I appreciate all inputs and will post a summary.

By the by, the summary to my question on application of strain gages to
spinal screws will follow next week.



Andrew Mahar, MS
Orthopedic Biomechanics Research Center

Children's Hospital - San Diego
3020 Children's Way
San Diego, CA
P: 858-495-4975 "I drank what???"
F: 858-614-7494 -Last words of Socrates

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