Mekanika, Inc, www.mekanika.com; is a Company focused on the research, development, testing and manufacturing of a spine joint restabilization system (spine arthroplasty), including electromechanical diagnostic instrumentation, and carbon fiber composite implants for the treatment of degenerative joint disease, and trauma to the spine joint.
Mekanika is currently looking for three outstanding individuals to join its product research and development staff.
JOB TITLE: Research Scientist - Biomechanics - Spine.
RESPONSIBILITY: Developing and Directing Mekanika's Basic Science Research Department and direct involvement in new product development.
* completed or near completion of a Ph.D. in mechanical/biomechanical engineering , with a dissertation in spine biomechanics.
* good knowledge in FEA/FEM, for strength analysis and optimization of orthopedic spine implants, with knowledge of solid mechanics and rigid body mechanics. A strong background in dynamics, musculoskeletal modeling, biomechanics, imaging, image processing and/or control systems, along with demonstrated programming skills and previous research experience.
* good working knowledge of biomaterials, specifically carbon fiber composites (PEEK),
* Statistical analysis, study design for cadaver, animal, and/or patient studies/experiments.
* Spine biomechanical model development and research protocol development are also key aspects of the position.
* Experience in writing publications, manuscript preparation,
* hands-on experience, cadaver lab, cadaver implant studies, specifically, testing of spine implants,
* Applicants should demonstrate strong organizational and communication skills, the ability to work independently and a strong desire to carry out clinical research
* Good research skills, documentation, Web searches.
* software: Solid Works, Pro-E, AutoCad, LabView, ANSYS, or equivalent.
* experience with the motion analysis system(s) and animation software,
* deliver lectures, giving presentations at congresses and internal education events
* operating room experience,
* programming experience a plus, specifically LabView,
* knowledge of hardware/software interfaces, experience with force/pressure/displacement transducers, and their interface to electronics and computers/software,
Electrical/biomedical engineer with experience in circuit design, interface to software (preferably LabView), signal conditioning circuitry, with I/O cards interface, signal amplification, noise reduction, EMI and EMR issues, and the Interface of computers to electronic circuitry and transducers (force, pressure, displacement, etc.,)
Electrical/Software Engineer with extensive LabView experience for the above, and Pro-E and/or Solid Works modeling experience.
Please contact the company directly at info@mekanika.com; do not attach files , but instead, please cut and paste your CV/Resume to the email document itself.
David Holmes
Chief Technology Officer
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