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Summary of discussion on the first moment of an area

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  • Summary of discussion on the first moment of an area

    This posting is a summary of the replies which I received in response to
    the following question:

    >The first moment of an area is defined as the integral of the (distance
    >from axis about which the moment is being calculated), where the
    >integration is carried out over the area. The second moment of an area,
    >also known as the moment of inertia, is defined as the integral of the
    >(distance from axis)^2 where the integration is carried out over the area.
    >I am familiar with the second moment of an area and its uses in mechanics,
    >however I am not familiar with the first moment.
    >Can someone refer me to a resource which explains the physical
    >significance of the first moment of an area and also for what calculations
    >is this property of an area used?

    Much thanks to everyone that responded.
    Anwar Upal

    The responses are attached below this
    __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ ______________________________

    Glen Niebur wrote:
    >Two applications:
    >1. The first moment is zero when calculated about the centroid. Thus it
    >can be used to find the centroid of an area.
    >2. In a beam, the shear stress varies from 0 at the outer surfaces to a
    >maximum in the center. The shear stress at any point in the beam is
    >dependent on the first moment of the portion of the beam above that
    >location: Tau = VQ/Ib where Tau is shear stress, V is the shear force, Q
    >is the first moment, I the second moment, and b, the width of the
    >cross-section (only works for symmetric beams). See, e.g., Gere,
    >"Mechanics of Materials"

    Eduardo Borges Pires wrote:
    >The 1st moment of an area or of a volume is required to evaluate the center of
    >mass of such domain.
    >Any book on Statics or Vector Mechanics for Engineers such as Beer & Johnston
    >(McGraw-Hill) will do.

    Antonio Perez wrote:
    >It is used to calculate the center of mass (com) of a planar body, for
    >distance of com to a line= (1st moment wrt this line )/ (area of the body)

    > Bensaci wrote:
    >You can find some things about this subject and its definition in the
    >famous book of Berkley Physics series (Part-I; Mechanics)

    >Jim Funk wrote:
    >The first moment of area is better known as the centroid, which is also the
    >center of gravity if you have uniform density.

    >Necip Berme wrote:
    >The first moment of an area about any axis passing through the center of
    >gravity of that area is zero. So it can be used to calculate the centroid
    >(i.e. center of gravity) of the area. I cannot think of any other
    >significance. Strength of material, and machine design text book should
    >cover this topic.

    Anders Eriksson wrote:
    >as a few examples, there are three aspects where the first moment of area
    >is used:
    >1) As a definition of the center of gravity;
    >2) In common engineering expressions for evaluating beam shear stresses;
    >3) In the calculation of a bending moment for a fully plasticised beam
    >There are surely more applications, but I think that these three, and in
    >particular the first, cover most applications. I don't think you will find
    >any particular references on the topic, but
    >the expression 'pops up' here and there.

    Paolo de LEVA wrote:
    > As far as I know, the second moment of an area is not at all the moment
    >of inertia. The latter is defined as the second moment of >>>a massdm is the mass of a particle of a body.
    > The first moment of mass (with respect to carthesian planes, in this
    >case) is useful for locating the center of mass (CM) of a body (Varignon
    >Theoreme). If you divide a first moment of mass by the total mass of the
    >body, you obtain the distance of the CM from the considered carthesian
    > Consider, also, that the particles of a body fill a volume, not just an
    >area. Second, in a human body they are not uniformly distributed, i.e.
    >density is not constant.

    Dr. Robert Wm. Soutas-Little wrote:
    >The first moment of an area is used to compute the centroid or
    >centroidal axis of an area. If the first moment of an area is divided
    >by the are you will obtain the distance from the reference axis to the

    Ambarish Goswami wrote:
    >The second moment is just one in an infinite series of moments
    >which can be used to fully describe a shape. The lower moments
    >(1,2,3) easily identifiable as physical quantities, the higher
    >moments less so because they are less used. They are in a way
    >analogous to a Fourier Frequency series. For a discussion, take
    >a look at the following paper of mine (downloadable from
    >A new gait parameterization technique by means of cyclogram
    >moments: Application to human slope walking
    >A. Goswami
    >Gait & Posture, Vol. 8, No. 1, 1998.

    Mark Gillies wrote:
    >try Miriam and Craig, or popoff engineering mechanics volume 1 statics

    Danny Levine wrote:
    >I'm not sure that I can offer any grand definition of the physical
    >significance of the first moment of area, but I can tell you
    >about a couple of uses.
    >In the calculation of the centroid of a compound area (such as the cross
    >of an I-beam) the
    >formula uses the first moment of area in the numerator. You'll find this
    >in any
    >good book on statics.
    >In the calculation of shear stress on a beam cross section the formula is
    >(tau) = VQ/It, where
    >V = shear force, Q = first moment of area, I = second moment of area and t =
    >thickness at the location
    >where the stress is to be computed. This can be found in a first book on
    >strength of materials.

    >Paul Bourassa wrote:
    > you may use the first moment to find out where the center of mass is
    >located on a 2 or 3 dim body. Also you may use the first moment to find out
    >where the force due to a pressure distribution is acting against a surface.
    > Ex ^ressure on a dam, on an airplane wing etc. Standard textbook on
    >statics for engineers give numerous examples.

    >Nilay Mukherjee wrote:
    >When calculating shear stress in a beam due to a transverse shear load,
    >the formula = Shear stress = VQ/ It
    >V is the shear force, Q is the first moment......I is the moment of
    >inertia and t is the thickness of the beam
    >Any "Mechanics of Materials" book... e.g. by Beer and Johnston (McGraw
    >Hill) will have this formula.
    >Also the first moment is used to calculate the position of the centroid of
    >the body.
    >A * y(bar) = Q
    >Where A is area of the body in question, y(bar) is the coordinate of the
    >centroid and Q is the first moment wrt a defined coordinate system.
    >Check any book on Statics (Beer and Johnston have a book too) for this

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