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electrogoniometers summary

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  • electrogoniometers summary

    Below is a summary of responses to my quiery about electrogoniometer
    suppliers. Thanks to all respondents.

    Dear Colleagues,

    For an on-site occupational epidemiology study, we are looking for a
    reliable supplier of flexible electrogoniometers (Penny and Giles or other)
    and a portable data logger (4 to 6 channel) with sufficient memory to
    collect at 60-120 Hz for at least one hour minimum. A data logger with
    exchangeable memory cards would be optimal. Several manufacturers seem to be
    out of business or are unresponsive to our inquiries.

    Thank you,

    Shaw Bronner
    Soar Research at Long Island University
    122 Ashland Place #1A
    Brooklyn, NY 11201
    fax 718-246-6383

    - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    Try Biomedical Monitoring at the address below. I believe they have a new
    eight channel model with a 64 MB multimedia card for storage.

    Timothy R. Derrick, PhD
    Iowa State University
    Health and Human Performance
    249 Forker Building
    Ames, IA 50011
    phone: (515) 294-8438
    fax: (515) 294-8740

    - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    The goniometers and data
    logger you are looking for are manufactured by Biometrics Ltd. in the UK.

    Give them a call at 800-543-6698. Ask for Peter Seddon and tell him I told
    you to call. They also have a web site


    Raymond McKenna, PT, PhD.
    Stony Brook University

    - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    I am a grad student at McGill University in Canada. We
    use a system produced by Mega Electronics (Kupopio,
    Finland) model: Muscle Tester ME3000p8f. Its
    distributor is Biomation, in Ontario. It is a portable
    data logger and uses memory cards. The data is
    downloadable into a computer. A program for this comes
    with the system. Our model allows for up to 8 channels
    (4 gonios). It was orginally designed for EMG data
    collection, but can be arranged for gonio collection.
    At 100hz, you can collect for about 5.5 hours. The
    sampling rate can be set up to 10 000 hz. We actually
    use this for simultaneous EMG and gonio data
    collection. Works great AFTER you succesfully
    configure the system with a computer. We had problems
    with installing the system for many months. But, it
    works great now. I estimate that there is a failure in
    data collection every 1/20 attempts.

    Best of luck,

    - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    Dear Shaw,

    We have worked quite a lot with equipment of Biovision. A German Company
    which I would always recommend when it comes to problems you've
    described. We did several ergonimics studies using their equipment when
    I worked in Cologne Germany.


    The webpage does not contain their brand new solutions yet, but they
    will easily allow for data capture over the time periods you've

    Good luck,


    Uwe Kersting, PhD
    Lecturer in Biomechanics
    Sports and Exercise Science
    University of Auckland
    Phone: 09 373 7599 extn 6859
    Fax: 09 373 7043

    - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    We have used the 4 channel data loggers from Biomedical Monitoring
    They interface to full-bridge sensors, so can work directly with
    Penny and Giles flexible electrogoniometers. They have a large
    memory capacity on a removable card.

    One difficulty with long term monitoring is the relatively low bridge
    impedance of the Penny and Giles devices (120 ohm or so I believe)
    which may drain the logger batteries. An option is to operate the
    dataloggers in intermittent mode (where the excitation voltage
    is only applied during sampling) to reduce power consumption, but
    we have not tried this technique with the Penny and Giles devices.

    I think it would be useful to the biomechanics community if you
    circulate a summary of your replies/findings - this is a problem
    faced by many labs.
    Ben Heller SRCS (PhD)
    Clinical Scientist (Electronics and Physiological Measurement)
    Medical Physics, I Floor
    Sheffield Teaching Hospitals
    Hallamshire Hospital, Glossop Road
    S10 2JF
    Tel xx 44 114 271 3675

    - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    We have the Mega ME-3000-P muscle testers for
    data logging EMG, angle, foot switches, force in 2, 4 or 8 channels. They
    use memory cards up to 32 MB.

    For measuring angle, we have a goniometer amplifier which interfaces a
    2-channel biometrics goniometer to the ME-3000-P unit.

    With an 8-channel data logger, you could record 6 channels of angle and 2
    channels of EMG. Using 4 MB memory, you could record at 10 samples per
    second for 7 hours.
    Yours truly,

    \ Dave Hanneson \
    \ 335 Perth Street, P.O. Box 156 \
    \ Almonte, ON, Canada K0A 1A0 \
    Tel: (613) 256-2821 Toll Free: 1-888-667-2324
    Mobile: (613) 799-1179 Fax: (613) 256-5872

    - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    Hi Shaw,

    We have had similar problems to you and ended up producing our own
    dataloggers and flexible goniometers. These are not in commercial production
    at present. Having designed and built both components over the last few
    years I am trying to get some papers written to stimulate in bit of

    We have a datalogger that takes compact flash cards. We only use up to 8MB
    cards at present but there is no reason why we can not extend this range.
    Our maximum frequency of collection at present is 50Hz. There are 8 analog
    channels but we only have 2 physically wired.

    We also hand build some flexible goniometers based on optical fibre
    technology that we use to monitor sagittal surface curves of the lumbar
    spine. These with minor modification could be used on other body parts.

    Our sensors are being continually developed, and as part of this process we
    will probably be aiming to produce a similar but faster datalogger to cope
    with a few extra channels at higher data collection rate ( a summer job).

    If you are having huge problems getting hold of sensors or loggers then
    please get in touch. As we are primarily research centred I would not
    classify us as a reliable source of sensors or loggers as we produce them as
    needed for our own use. Commercial production may come in the future.

    A possible solution, as far as the loggers are concerned could be Physilog.
    See K Aminian et al 2002. Spatio-temporal parameters of gait measured by an
    ambulatory system using miniature gyroscopes, Journal of Biomechanics Vol 35
    pp689-699. They appear to have a logger that would suit your purpose. It
    appears to be a little on the large size to fit into a pocket comfortably.
    Details at I have no idea of

    Penny and Giles, now called Biometrics also produce their own datalogger but
    this appears to still use an RS232 link which is rather slow for large
    amounts of data. Also over-priced for what it is.
    Biometrics in the US should be contactable at P.O. Box 340, Ladysmith, VA
    Toll Free 800 543 6698. or Tel: 804 448 2520, Fax 804 448 0021.
    Web site:

    Happy Hunting


    Dr Mark Stigant
    University of Huddersfield,
    Spinal Research Unit,
    Ramsden Building,
    HD1 3DH
    Tel 01484 472936

    Fax xx 44 114 271 3403

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