Graduate Student Research Position
Doctoral Program in Biomechanics
Department of Biomedical Engineering
Department of Kinesiology
University of Southern California
Los Angeles, CA 90089-0652

We currently have two positions open for highly motivated graduate students
within the Ph.D. program in Biomechanics at the University of Southern
Califorinia. Our research focuses on the mechanisms humans use to generate
and control momentum during multijoint movements. We integrate
experimentation and modelling techniques to study control and dynamics
during multijoint motion performed by skilled subjects (e.g. elite male and
female athletes, musicians, technicians) in realistic contexts (e.g. US
Olympic Training Camps, Olympic Games, workplace, or research lab).

Instrumentation and computing resources in the Biomechanics Research
Laboratory includes: forceplates (4, Kistler, Bertec), telemetered
electromyography (16 channels, Konigsberg), motion analysis software (3D,
Peak Performance), high speed digital video cameras (3) for 3D kinematics
of movement involving impact, high end multiprocessor computers for
graphics, simulation, and modeling applications (ADAMS, Mechanical
Dynamics), and multimedia teaching lab (24, NT).

Strongest consideration will be given to highly motivated applicants with
good communication and teamwork skills with an interest in mechanics,
neuromuscular control, and dynamic modeling.

Courses often taken by doctoral students in biomechanics are offered within
and outside the department in areas like biomedical engineering, computer
science, physical therapy, mechanical engineering, and statistics. Doctoral
students in biomechanics may apply to become Teaching or Research
Assistants and will receive stipends, health benefits, and tuition
remission as part of their assistantships or fellowships.

Los Angeles, California is a diverse and exciting place to live. The beach,
mountains, and international culture provide a rich background for your
development as a person and scientist.

If you are interested in learning more about our program, please contact me

I will be at the World Congress in Calgary. Please introduce your self. I
would like to meet you.

Jill McNitt-Gray, Ph.D.
Biomechanics Research Laboratory
Departments of Biomedical Engineering
Universityof Southern California
Los Angeles, CA 90089-0652
213-740-7902 or by email (

Jill McNitt-Gray, Ph.D.
Biomechanics Research Laboratory
Departments of Kinesiology, Biomedical Engineering
University of Southern California
Los Angeles, CA 90089-0652
213-740-7902, Lab: 213-740-7903
FAX 213-740-7909

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