Position: Professor of Biomechanical Engineering
Location: Twente University, laboratory of Biomechanical Engineering, The
Date : 09-09-2002

Please direct any responses to the address given below.

Faculty position

Professor of Biomechanical Engineering

The department of Engineering Technology (CTW: Construerende Technische
Wetenschappen) of the Twente University encloses the educational programs
Mechanical Engineering, Industrial Design Engineering and Civil Engineering.
The department has 320 staff members, while enrollment amounts to 1300
students. The department plays an active role in the foundation of and
cooperation within several Research Schools and Research Centers. Close ties
are maintained with both industrial partners and researchers, nationally as
well as internationally.

The department of Engineering Technology is looking for a suitable candidate
for the position of Professor of Biomechanical Engineering

Duties: You will be chairman of the laboratory of Biomechanical Engineering
and will coordinate the educational and research programmes of the group.
Your educational duties will consist of (co-)teaching courses in this area
for the educational programs Mechanical Engineering (WB), BioMedical
Technology (BMT) and Industrial Design Engineering (IO). You will contribute
to the existing WB master program, as well as to the BMT- and IO-masters
programs which are currently being developed. You are able to convey your
knowledge in an enthusiastic manner, using appropriate and stimulating
didactic methods. Important educational aspects are counseling of
Masters-students and taking part in the course program of PhD-students.
Your research duties will be maintaining and setting the course of the
research and of the application of knowledge in the area of mechanics of the
locomotor system and the area of functional properties of the biological
structures which determine these mechanics. Application will be the design
of instruments, methods and techniques for the restoration of the impaired
locomotor system. You also have an interest in bordering research areas,
especially research within other groups of the department and for other
research being conducted (such as tissue engineering) within the BioMedical
Technological Institute (BMTI) and within the university as a whole.

Profile: You have a broad (bio)mechanical background and a proven record of
initiation and management of research in this area, as well as the
application of your expertise in product design, in cooperation with
clinical and industrial partners.
The research must fit within the research themes of the BioMedical
Technological Institute. In this institute the biomedical research
laboratories of the technological departments of the university participate.
You will consolidate and where possible expand on existing participations.
You are able to attract governmental and European research funding as well
as contract research. International recognition is an important condition
for appointment. Not only will you lead the biomechanical group, but you
will also contribute to general departmental tasks and management.

Offer: Appointment and salary are in agreement with general agreements for
Dutch Universities (CAO Nederlandse Universiteiten). Admittance in the Dutch
Governmental Pension Fund (ABP) on starting date of appointment

For further inquiries please contact:
prof. H.J.Grootenboer
professor and chairman of the laboratory of Biomechanical Engineering
tel. (31-53) 4892581
e-mail h.j.grootenboer@ctw.utwente.nl

Your written application with cv and list of relevant publications can be
directed to:

Prof. H.J. Grootenboer
Dean of the department of Engineering Technology (CTW)
PO-box 217
7500AE Enschede
The Netherlands

Position number 02/067
Closing date Sept. 30 2002

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