Dear Colleagues,
We invite you to attend the 12th International Conference on Perception and
Action (ICPA 12) which will occur July 2003, in Gold Coast, Australia. As
usual, there will be both oral and poster presentations.
Approximately half of the oral papers presented at ICPA 12 will be in a
particular Invited Symposium. The other half of the papers will be general
submissions to Open Forums and will be grouped accordingly by topic if and
when natural classes emerge.
Importantly, there will be an increased number of open submissions at ICPA
12 that are grouped after submission according to natural classification -
as is quite standard with international conferences. Consequently, there
will be fewer invited symposia than in recent years (i.e., fewer cases
whereby the symposium organiser explicitly invites certain individuals to
We are considering holding a workshop or two at ICPA 12. Depending on the
number and kind of submissions for oral presentation, it may be possible to
hold one or maybe two highly interactive sessions in a workshop mode. The
workshop might examine in detail a pertinent and hopefully controversial
theoretical issue within ecological psychology. One (or perhaps more)
person(s) would lead an extended but careful outline of the problem or
issue and then audience members would be given chances for related hands-on
experiences. This would, however, require much more than a show-and-tell
lecture and might involve computer simulations on several individual
workstations, experiential activities, or something quite differentÅ Be
creative and consider the possibilities of a workshop and discuss it
amongst yourselves.
You are hereby invited as potential symposium organisers to begin thinking
about themes for ICPA 12 and submit your proposals for consideration to the
ICPA Scientific Committee. Each symposium (90 minutes long) should be
carefully considered and consist of four speakers, each of which would have
a maximum of 20 minutes (15 minutes to present, with 5 mins questions
immediately following each individual's talk - the audience's questions
should not be delayed until the session's end. Ten minutes at the session's
end will afford extra time for integrative questioning and discussion with
all the four speakers). Symposium organisers should submit a clear
explanation of the reasons for the symposium, who the speakers will be, a
sufficiently detailed abstract of each speaker's topic, and, importantly,
what the *interrelations* between each of the speaker's topics will be -
the aim should be for each ICPA 12 symposium to emphasise interrelations
and resonance across topics. A small but sufficient number of
well-designed, stimulating, and carefully considered symposia will make for
an exciting and democratic conference! To this end, it is suggested that
symposia organisers consider themes that might be hot topics in ecological
psychology or conceptually challenging concepts in perception-action
research in general, and thus create a symposium that will be of interest
and wide appeal to all conference delegates. Theoretical issues should be
emphasized and should be at the forefront of the Invited Symposia -
empirical data and argument from the individual speakers can then
contribute to clarifying the particular theoretical issue under examination.
Submissions for oral presentation are invited from both the ecological and
general scientific community (i.e., those not explicitly within the
ecological psychology tradition). However, papers that do not address
issues typically examined by ecological psychologists have less chance of
being accepted. Typical topics can be viewed in the ICPA 12 website under
"Previous Conferences." Also the International Society for Ecological
Psychology (ISEP) website has links to relevant literature and related
research centres which can give a flavour of what the ICPA conference is
all about. Thus, although the Open Forums are explicitly designed to allow
those individuals to present who have not been personally invited by the
Invited Symposia organisers, still, the proposed topic must be relevant to
the ecological psychology community - it is after all ICPA! If you have
doubts, submit your proposed paper and the Scientific Committee will
consider it.
As with all previous ICPA, poster presentations are a central, highly
anticipated, and extremely enjoyable aspect of the conference. Posters will
be on display in two sessions and for two full days in each with a
dedicated poster session at the conclusion of each day during refreshments.
Posters will also be on display during coffee breaks thus affording
continual viewing. Submissions to the poster session are welcomed and
although they will not be as strictly reviewed as submissions to the
time-critical oral presentations, as per usual, poster topics must be of
relevance to ICPA delegates.
More formal brochures describing both ICPA 12 and the satellite conference
are available in pdf format. These are good for posting on doors and
mailing to relevant departments and programs. Just request one or both of
these in electronic form from either me (Paul Treffner) or Bill Mace at
ISEP. These were not attached to this announcement because the files are
too large for some people's computers and communications lines.
Submission of proposed Invited Symposia topics and abstracts: November
30th, 2002
Submission of abstracts to Open Forums: November 30th, 2002
Submission of proposed workshop: November 30th, 2002
Submission of full papers for Poster Book: January 31st, 2003
Submission of final revision of Poster Book papers: March 1st, 2003
Submission of posters (not included in Poster Book): May 31st, 2003
Early Registration Deadline: March 31st, 2003
Satellite conference - Sensorimotor Coordination 2003: July 6th - 9th
ICPA: July 13th - 18th, 2003
Further details on paper preparation and format will appear on the ICPA 12
website (also linked to the ISEP website):
We look forward to receiving your submissions and your attendance at ICPA
12. If you have any further queries, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Best wishes,
Associate Professor Paul Treffner
Centre for Active Visualisation
School of Information Technology
Griffith University, Gold Coast Campus
PMB 50, Gold Coast Mail Centre
QLD 9726, Australia
tel. +61 7 5552 8215
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