Forwarded announcement.

-- Ton van den Bogert, Biomch-L co-moderator

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: please post call
Date: Mon, 04 Nov 2002 15:26:49 +0200
From: Leo Joskowicz

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* ISRACAS'2003 *
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* Thursday May 15, 2003 *
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* The Chaim Sheba Medical Center, Tel-Aviv, ISRAEL *
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* Sponsored by *
* Technion - Israel Institute of Technology *
* The Hebrew University of Jerusalem *
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* Endorsed by *
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* International Society of Computer Aided Surgery *
* Israeli Society for Medical and Biological Engineering *
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Symposium Organizers

M. Shoham DSc Technion -- Israel Institute of Technology
L. Joskowicz PhD The Hebrew University of Jerusalem


The goal of the Symposium is to convene in Israel clinicians, scientists,
and engineers actively interested in medical imaging, computer science, and
robotics, and their application to the planning, monitoring, and execution
of medical surgeries. The symposium is the sequel of five ISRACAS
symposia, held in May since 1998 in Jerusalem, Haifa, and Tel-Aviv. Each
was attended by over 150 participants including clinicians, industry, and
engineering academia. The one-day events included four to six invited
speakers, 15 oral presentations of refereed papers, industrial exhibits,
and system demonstrations. Abstracts of selected peer-reviewed papers were
published in the Journal of Computer-Aided Surgery.

Symposium format

This year we will continue with the one-day symposium consisting of three
to four invited talks by internationally recognized experts, about 15 paper
presentations, a special industrial session, and project and product

Symposium Topics

Relevant research in Computer Science, Mechanical Engineering,
Biomechanics, and Electrical Engineering including but not limited to:

- multi-modal image reconstruction and segmentation
- architectures, control, and applications of medical robots
- virtual and augmented reality surgery, telesurgery
- image and sensor data registration
- computer-aided diagnosis and preoperative planning
- intraoperative surgical monitoring, support, and planning
- surgical simulators, anatomical modeling, atlases
- safety issues in computer-assisted surgery

All medical specialties include but are not limited to:

- radiology
- orthopaedics and traumatology
- laparoscopy, endoscopy, arthroscopy
- neurosurgery
- cardio-vascular surgery
- minimally invasive surgery
- urology
- craniofacial surgery and dentistry


Full-length technical papers (up to 10 pages) or extended abstracts (3-5
pages) of surveys, clinical studies, position papers, and panel topics for
presentation at the Symposium are solicited. Submissions will be reviewed
by members of the local and international program committee. Accepted
extended abstracts will be published in a pre-prints booklet to be
distributed to Symposium participants. In addition, abstracts of the papers
will be published in the Journal of Computer-Aided Surgery.

Authors should send electronic copies in Word (preferred), LaTeX, ASCII, or
PDF to Prof. Joskowicz at


Submission February 6, 2003
Notice of acceptance March 6, 2003
Camera-ready papers March 25, 2003
Early registration April 14, 2003
Symposium May 15, 2003


An equipment and systems exhibition will be be held in parallel to the
lectures. Exhibitors will get a chance to address the audience. If you
want to exhibit your system, please contact the organizers.

Invited speakers (to be announced)

Local Program Committee (to be confirmed)
D. Adam PhD Technion
M. Berman PhD Biomedicom Ltd.
R. Beyar DSc Rambam MC and Technion
M. Blumenfeld PhD Consultant
S. Einav PhD Tel-Aviv University
D. Elad PhD Tel-Aviv University
M. Gomori MD Hadassah Hospital
H. Greenspan PhD Tel-Aviv University
O. Hadomi Msc DenX
P. Itzchak MD Tel Hashomer
M. Liebergall MD Hadassah Hospital
D. Maor DSc InSightec
A. Orenstein MD Sheba Hospital
M. Roffman MD Carmel Hospital

International Advisory Board (to be confirmed)
N. Ayache PhD INRIA, Sophia-Antipolis, France
A. Bauer MD Marbella, Spain
G. Barnett MD Cleveland Clinic Foundation, USA
R. Bucholz MD St. Louis U., USA
A. Colchester MD PhD U. of Kent, UK
P. Dario PhD Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, Italy
B. Davies PhD Imperial College, UK
A. DiGioia MD Western Pennsylvania Hospital, Pittsburgh USA
S. Delp PhD Stanford U., USA
R. Ellis PhD Queen's University, Canada
E. Grimson PhD MIT, USA
K. Hohne PhD Hamburg U., Germany
B. Jaramaz PhD Western Pennsylvania Hospital, Pittsburgh USA
L. Kavoussi MD Johns Hopkins U., USA
R. Kikinis MD Harvard MedicTel-Avival School, USA
S. Lavallee PhD TIMC-IMAG, Grenoble, France
H. Lemke PhD Technische Universitat, Berlin, Germany
P. Merloz MD Centre Universitaire et Hospitalier Grenoble, France
L. Nolte PhD U. of Bern, Switzerland
R. Phillips PhD U. of Hull, UK
R. Shahidi PhD Stanford U., USA
D. Stulberg MD Northwestern U., USA
R.H. Taylor PhD Johns Hopkins U., USA
M. Vannier MD University of Iowa, USA

Symposium Venue

The Symposium will be held in in the Beit Surasky auditorium of The Chaim
Sheba Medical Center, Tel-Hashomer, Israel. The Center, which is located
in the Tel-Aviv area, is affiliated to the Sackler School of Medicine,
Tel-Aviv University.


Participants are required to register and pay a nominal fee which
entitles them to a copy of the Symposium proceedings and coffee break

Early registration: IS 300 (US $60) IS 150 (US $30) for students
(by April 14, 2003)
On-site registration: IS 350 (US $70) IS 200 (US $35) for students

We encourage participants to register early, as the number of
participants will be limited.

Please e-mail or fax the following information to one of the symposium

For registration and more information contact:

Prof. Leo Joskowicz Prof. Moshe Shoham
School of Computer Science and Eng. Department of Mechanical Engineering
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem Technion-Israel Institute of Technology
Givat Ram, Jerusalem 91904, Israel Technion City, Haifa 32000, Israel
Phone: +(972)-2-658-6299 Phone: +(972)-4-829-3264
FAX: +(972)-2-658-5439 FAX: +(972)-4-832-4533
E-mail: Email:

Check our web site for frequent updates:

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Sixth Israeli Symposium
Computer-Aided Surgery, Medical Robotics, and Medical Imaging








Payment: enclose a check to the name of "TECHNION"

Check one:

Early registration: __ IS 300 (or US $60)
__ IS 150 (or US $30) for students
(by April 14, 2003)
On-site registration: -- IS 350 (or US $70)
__ IS 200 (or US $35) for students

Send, together with your payment to:

Prof. Leo Joskowicz
School of Computer Science and Engineering
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem,
Givat Ram Campus,
Jerusalem 91904, Israel,
Fax: +972-2-658-5439.
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