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Constant force appl.

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  • Constant force appl.

    Dear Colleagues:
    Planning a research lately we came across a problem:
    We want to apply a constant force over a bone fracture in-vivo, in spite of
    possible biological changes at the fracture site. The force is to be kept for
    days or weeks while the animal (cheep) is running freely.
    We came up with some very complicated ideas which are both expensive and un-
    reliable. I wander if anyone came across a ref or has some personal hints
    about this subject that he/she is ready to share.
    Thanks, Moshe

    ********************************************!***** **********************
    * Moshe Nissan, PhD ! FAX: 972-4-521296 *
    * BIO-MEDICAL ENGINEER ! TEL: 972-4-295264 (WORK) *
    * Rappaport School of Medicine ! : 972-4-371788 (home) *
    * TECHNION - Israel Institute of Technology ! *
    * P.O.Box 9649, Haifa 31096, ISRAEL ! Bitnet: RPRNISN@TECHNION *
    ************************************************** **********************