I am requesting for some information on SEM technique for
study of Bone(human, femur, tibia.) both cortical and cancellous
parts. I wish to know particulars like, whether or not they
should be coated. What magnification, how far dry the specimen
ought to be etc
thanks in advance.
Sunil Padture
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__ __
Sunil P Padture /~~\_/~ \ ,,, Graduate Student
spadture@bobcat.ent.ohiou.edu | #=#==========# | Dept.of Mech.Engineering
Tel No: 614-593-3917 \__/~\__/ ``` 251 Stocker Center
38,N. McKINLEY AVE. #406 Ohio University
Imitation Is Suicide| |The Best way to
Only way to get rid of| |Get rid of Temptation
Imitators, is to commit one| |Is to yield to it.
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I am requesting for some information on SEM technique for
study of Bone(human, femur, tibia.) both cortical and cancellous
parts. I wish to know particulars like, whether or not they
should be coated. What magnification, how far dry the specimen
ought to be etc
thanks in advance.
Sunil Padture
************************************************** *****************************
__ __
Sunil P Padture /~~\_/~ \ ,,, Graduate Student
spadture@bobcat.ent.ohiou.edu | #=#==========# | Dept.of Mech.Engineering
Tel No: 614-593-3917 \__/~\__/ ``` 251 Stocker Center
38,N. McKINLEY AVE. #406 Ohio University
Imitation Is Suicide| |The Best way to
Only way to get rid of| |Get rid of Temptation
Imitators, is to commit one| |Is to yield to it.
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